[ad_1] Dismissed. Disregarded. Cast aside. These experiences sideline us from life and rob us of peace in our relationships. Words cut. Actions pierce. They steal life...
[ad_1] This sweet viral video shows a lonely grandpa asking his granddaughter over for a sleepover and the plans that they end up making for the...
[ad_1] Sometimes we forget the early adventure of discovery in marriage—the “wow” factor when we want to know more and more about our partner and experience...
[ad_1] The simplest definition of legacy is something that is passed on. And as grandparents, we have the opportunity to pass on all kinds of things...
[ad_1] Doctor Henry Cloud and Doctor John Townsend wrote a book called Boundaries. In it, they help Christians understand that boundaries are a biblical and necessary...
[ad_1] I have seen firsthand how hurt and resentment can tear apart relationships, leaving lasting scars and pain. But I have also witnessed the healing and...
[ad_1] One of my favorite aspects of being part of an active church is the fellowship that we experience when we get together. And, if I...
[ad_1] A divorce is a life-altering event that can leave you feeling lost, lonely, and emotionally drained. It can be a difficult and painful experience, causing...
[ad_1] Have you ever heard a new phrase, song, or saying for the first time, and then you start hearing it everywhere over the course of...
[ad_1] Around the world, wedding ceremonies occur in various locations, from church buildings to local parks. In this post-pandemic time, destination weddings are still popular, and...
[ad_1] From an early age, Mom and Grandma taught me the importance of blessing others without getting something in return. Every week, or every other week...
[ad_1] Church is messy. Christians sometimes do or say things that cause someone else to become offended. Christians who are offended by another church member should...
[ad_1] When our Lord Jesus lived on this earth, He told His disciples to expect tribulation (John 16:33). He ended that sentence with a promise, “take...
[ad_1] “O beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.” This quote from Othello is one...
[ad_1] A fourth subtle sign you are judgmental is if you hurt other people’s feelings. Being judgmental can be seen in many ways, such as looking...
[ad_1] Have you noticed how our culture isn’t good at sharing the beautiful beginnings of a marriage? In fact, practically every show or fairy tale that...
[ad_1] Ecclesiastes 3:4 says there is a time to weep, and a time to laugh, and chances are it’s time to laugh in your marriage, especially...
[ad_1] I began a ministry for single mothers almost two decades ago and have had the privilege of talking to thousands of single mothers across the...
[ad_1] The above Instagram comment seeded this article. I’ve written about ways to set necessary—healthy—boundaries. But the above quote sparked a new thought: Since there are...
[ad_1] Some people engaged in sexual relationships outside of marriage before they were believers, or someone has a mistake or a slip-up. People cave into lust...