[ad_1] Today we’re in Portland, Oregon, visiting with Zeah. I’ve loved interesting plants since I was small, growing plants in my mother’s garden and killing orchids...
[ad_1] 1. Top Pick Up Front: Razor-Back 24-Tine Steel One of my favorites is the RazorBack 24-Tine Steel Rake, available at Tractor Supply. It’s a solid...
[ad_1] Gophers can do enormous damage in a very short period of time. Learn how to trap a gopher correctly to get rid of gophers in the...
[ad_1] Angel’s trumpet plants are easier to care for than most people think, and they grow very quickly too. But before you can enjoy the show...
[ad_1] Every plant lover knows that feeling of just wanting another plant – and another, and another, and another until your house basically looks like a...
[ad_1] Now that our gardens are established and we’ve moved in and gotten comfortable on the new homestead, we’re back to experimenting with terra preta. Our...
[ad_1] Hi GPODers, this is Joseph, your GPOD editor. Fall is here in my Indiana garden, which means bulb-planting time! I’ve been going through old pictures...
[ad_1] On the flip side of too much rain, the experts warned gardeners that we need to start planning now for less water available to us...
[ad_1] One of the most useful organic weed killers isn’t a chemical at all… Or, in the case of our fall garden, “woven landscape fabric,” which...
[ad_1] Pinterest1938 Facebook259 Don’t use harmful chemicals in your garden! Learn how to prevent garden pests and diseases organically with these tips. Disclaimer: This post contains...
[ad_1] The easiest fall flowers to grow in Arizona (and other mild winter climates) are simple to plant, care for, and bloom through spring. Don’t forget...
[ad_1] If plants are struggling and not growing well, use this garden troubleshooting guide to help determine the problem and the possible solution. Disclaimer: This post...
[ad_1] If you’re a gardener in a hot climate (like me), you may have grown okra and wondered what to do with the excess harvest. How...
[ad_1] As someone who has built many (many) raised beds out of materials ranging from reclaimed wood to brand-new steel, I have come across my fair...
[ad_1] Have you ever been told to appreciate the small moments in life? Gardening glimmers are the little cues you feel while puttering in the yard...
[ad_1] Would you like to grow healthy and beautiful lavender plants in your garden? This guide to the best companion plants for lavender will help you...
[ad_1] Cindy Strickland has shared on the GPOD before (Gardening for a Friend), and today she’s taking us along to visit a beautiful English garden. Smallhythe...
[ad_1] Yuzu is the unforgettably aromatic citrus whose zest is a siren call to anyone who loves to eat. Or drink. Or just smell the world....
[ad_1] Collaborative post Welcoming a furry friend into your home is something lots of us dream of. But if you’re a parent, it’s important that you...
[ad_1] Pinterest22968 Facebook294 The first time I grew celery, I was surprised by how much flavor homegrown celery has. The added flavor, along with the convenience...