[ad_1] Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Constitution received two amazing honors in 2006, winning both a Pulitzer Prize and the Reuben award for Outstanding Cartoonist of...
[ad_1] Every retail store and drug store in America has run out of The Michael Jordan Bull Brand Condoms. The QuinniPinni Research Agency reports that it...
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[ad_1] Hugops to Feedly who seem to have run into a snag this week. Feeder Brent N. fretted “Seems feedly’s update isn’t going well, with only...
[ad_1] Gay Leaders in Frisco, as they like to call it, have released a press announcement that was both applauded and disliked within the gay community....
[ad_1] {1 Comment} This is not just a humor site, we also solve mysteries here. Don’t forget to follow us on Google News to stay informed...
[ad_1] Tickety Boo News reporter Grover Buck first broke the story about a Buckingham Palace guard actually being an Al-Qaeda operative. Buck said that he got...
[ad_1] The cost of wine will certainly be going up as a recent mudslide has destroyed over 30 of Italy’s best vineyards. The mudslide nicknamed “II...
[ad_1] “Stuck my head in a toilet and got stuck! Had to be cut off with gardening shears.” (submitted by Taylin) The post That’s Not A...
[ad_1] “Left to right is myself, my cousin, sister, our friend, and my poor brother Peter who is apparently too excited about this family reunion!” (submitted...
[ad_1] Victoria’s Secret is proud as hell to announce that they have just signed golfing sensation Holly Sonders to a very lucrative modeling contract. Miss Sonders...
[ad_1] (SPORTS NEWS) – Sporting Chance Magazine writer Hercules Confetti has just broken the story that the greatest baseball pitcher of all-time has just opened up...
[ad_1] The McDonalds menu food items department is always working overtime, and they have just come up with the latest food item addition. A spokesperson for...
[ad_1] There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Louisiana native Don “Lemonhead” Lemon, just got a little too big for his effen britches, as they...
[ad_1] Word filtering out of Buckingham Palace is that King Charles III, and President Joe Biden have agreed to sign what they are calling the “US/UK...
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[ad_1] The FBI has uncovered a plot by two low-level members of the highly extremist group, The Proud Boys, who were going to steal Gov. “Shitface”...
[ad_1] The Secret Service confirmed that testing showed an unidentified white substance found in the White House during a routine search is cocaine, with the investigation...