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The 7 Best Treadmills Under $1000 In 2023, With Advice From A CPT & PT


When choosing the best treadmill under $1,000, McSorley explains that, before anything, you should look at the size of the machine and its weight capacity. This information is usually easy to find on a product’s website. It is also important to consider how much space you have available in your home for a treadmill and whether or not you need something compact or foldable.

Whereas most treadmills work well for walking, they’re not all suited for running. “If a person is looking for a treadmill to run on, they should look for one with a higher weight capacity and longer belt length,” McSorley explains.

Take note of the features each treadmill offers. For instance, if you’re okay with a no-frills, compact model and don’t plan on running long distances, a manual treadmill could be best for you. On the other hand, if you want a more innovative machine, you might consider investing in a smart treadmill, or one with Bluetooth connectivity, programmed workouts, an app, or charging ports. McSorley adds that, overall, “the treadmill is an incredibly useful tool for people of all ages and fitness levels who want to stay active.”

While treadmills are highly adaptable pieces of equipment that can be used by a wide range of people, Daugherty points out that it is important you first speak with your doctor before adding in any new exercises into your routine. “The specifics of treadmill usage should always be discussed with your physician,” she says. “However, those who are dealing with any type of injury or recent surgery should practice caution.”


Brittany Natale

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