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Modulation of stem cell fate in intestinal homeostasis, injury and repair
The mammalian intestinal epithelium constitutes the largest barrier against the external environment and makes flexible responses to various types of stimuli. Epithelial cells are fast-renewed to counteract constant damage and disrupted barrier function to maintain their integrity. The homeostatic repair and rege
Core Tip: The homeostatic repair and regeneration of the intestinal epithelium upon injury are governed by the Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells (ISCs) located at the base of crypts, which fuel rapid renewal and give rise to different epithelial cell types. We review the current understanding of the intrinsic niche signaling and extrinsic stimulating factors that control homeostasis and regeneration of the ISCs. Deciphering the regulatory machinery that modulates stem cell fate, and formulating strategies for better repair and regeneration would aid in the development of novel therapeutics that facilitate mucosal healing and restore epithelial barrier function.
World Journal of Stem Cells
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