[ad_1] Mountain Mint, Pycnanthemum It seems most of us gardeners love mint—as long as it’s in other people’s gardens, in tea, or in mixed drinks. In our...
[ad_1] We put in a beautiful Grocery Row Garden with some friends back at the beginning of March. It started with a backyard lawn and was...
[ad_1] Justicia spicigera I first learned about Mexican honeysuckle through traditional Mexican herbalism practices. The shrub, commonly known as muicle in my community, is native to...
[ad_1] What is Echum? The Echium plant, or Echiums, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae. The genus consists of around 70 different...
[ad_1] By Guest Author Pierce Biglefthand, LAC/LCSW Overcoming addiction is a very long process. Recovery doesn’t mean undergoing treatment for a certain period of time –...
[ad_1] Setting up an inviting outdoor space is the key to enjoying the beauty of nature while staying comfortable and relaxed in the privacy of your...
[ad_1] What is soap made out of? Much of modern soap-making relies on the same process and ingredients that our ancestors used. This simple chemical reaction...
[ad_1] Harvesting Basil: Tips to Maximize Flavor and Yield Scroll Up This website uses cookies to improve your experience. By clicking accept you give us permission...
[ad_1] Collaborative post The coast of Turkey is stunning; there are hillsides covered in pine forests, and olive groves that rise steeply above black and golden...
[ad_1] How to describe Dungeness on the south coast of England? Let’s start with the weather: “Wild, extreme, elemental… salt wind, predominantly from the south-west, cold...
[ad_1] This is Johana in Aiken, South Carolina. I had a different set of photos I was planning to submit, but when I awakened this morning...
[ad_1] Finding the perfect gift can be a delightful challenge for those with a deep-rooted love for gardening. Whether they have a blooming flower garden or...
[ad_1] Once summer is in full swing, your backyard or patio will instantly be one of the most-used parts of your home. It’s time to enjoy...
[ad_1] Trying to choose a ginkgo tree for your landscape? Along with size, form, and growth rate, don’t forget to consider one of the most important...
[ad_1] Growing winter squash used to intimidate me, but after successfully growing it for several seasons, it has become one of my favorite crops. I’m sharing...
[ad_1] Lisa writes: I loved this video! David gave a brilliant explanation as to why gardeners should save seeds, touching on several points that are relevant...
[ad_1] Oftentimes, we gardeners are met with a dilemma – I’m talking about the burden of too much homegrown produce. (Yeah, don’t expect anyone’s pity for...
[ad_1] It’s a lovely June, and the summer heat is starting to come in. With it, the gardens are racing – especially the plants from the...
[ad_1] At the Chelsea Flower Show last month one plant kept popping up again and again, dotted through show gardens and on nursery stands and displays....
[ad_1] My name is Megan, and I live in Kentish Town, North London, England. When we moved into our house, our garden was a total shambles—crumbly...