There are countless breathwork exercises out there, but try the relaxing breath from Andrew Weil, M.D., also known as 4-7-8 breathing, to easily calm the body when you’re feeling overwhelmed. 

It slows the heart rate, brings your consciousness to the present moment, and slows the nervous system, bringing a feeling of calm and peace. This breath exercise is ideal when you feel overwhelmed, anxious, angry, triggered, and have trouble sleeping. 

The traditional way of doing 4-7-8 breathing is to empty the lungs of air, breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, exhale out of the mouth for eight seconds, and repeat at least four times.

If you want to add a visual aid, imagine breathing in grounding, happy energy and breathing out any negative feelings you’re experiencing. You may just find your skin beginning to look and feel better after adding this ritual to your routine—and you can find more breathwork methods here, if you’re curious. 

Hannah Frye

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