
Seven people were arrested Monday after protesting in support of a Montana lawmaker who argued against a bill that would ban medical care for transgender minors.

Tense moments were captured on video during Montana’s House floor session with supporters of Democratic state Rep. Zooey Zephyr, who is transgender, chanting, “Let her speak.”

“Today—when the Speaker continued to not recognize me as a duly elected official—my constituents & community protested on behalf of their democratic right to be heard. I raised my mic and stood in solidarity with them. I am devoted to those who rise in defense of democracy,” Zephyr said in a tweet Monday.

Zephyr added, “When my constituents and community members witnessed my microphone being disabled, they courageously came forward to defend their democratic right to be heard – and some were arrested in the process. I stood by them in solidarity and will continue to do so.”

During the session, after a vote was announced, protesters were heard saying, “Let her speak.”

As the chanting continued, the state House speaker is heard asking the sergeant of arms to clear out the guests in the gallery.

The audio of the live stream of the session later cuts off and is replaced with music, with Zephyr seen in the video with an arm raised, holding up a microphone, looking in the direction of the protesters that were in the gallery. During that time, some protesters are seen being escorted out by law enforcement.

As the upstairs gallery is cleared of protesters and observers, the speaker is heard in the video saying that the House will come back to order.

The seven protesters were arrested with criminal trespass, a misdemeanor, according to Lewis and Clark County Sheriff-Coroner Leo C. Dutton.

“As I’ve been watching this session, there is an assumption by Republicans who have a super majority in both chambers that they could simply silence or, or, speak over the voices that they do not agree with. And I think that what yesterday demonstrated was a pretty tremendous display of solidarity and support for Montana’s transgender community,” Paul Kim, one of the protesters who was arrested, told CNN’s Lucy Kafanov.

Last week, a number of Republican lawmakers from the Montana Freedom Caucus demanded Zephyr be censured by the state House for “using inappropriate and uncalled-for language” during a floor debate over amendments concerning a bill that would ban medical care for transgender minors.

Montana House Republicans tweeted a joint statement Monday from state Reps. Matt Regier, Rhonda Knudsen and Sue Vinton. “House Republicans condemn violence and will always stand for civil debate and respect for our processes of government. Today’s riot by far-left agitators damages our discourse and endangered legislators and staff. Their actions did not represent Montana values.”

Montana House Minority Leader Kim Abbott, in statement released by the Montana House of Democrats Tuesday, said, “To me, it’s an incredible statement in support of the trans, nonbinary, and Two Spirit community – and against the Republican agenda that would strip our neighbors of their basic rights, dignity, and humanity.”

CORRECTION: A previous version of this story’s headline incorrectly said Zephyr had been censured. She only has been threatened with censure.

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