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You Can Pick Your Own Pumpkin at Stewart Farms


Have you visited Stewart Farms in Enoree, SC? This family-owned farm has an off-the-vine u-pick pumpkin patch in the fall that is charming and so much fun! The farm is perfect for a family outing because of the number of family-friendly activities there are to enjoy! We ventured off to Enoree, SC to explore the pumpkin patch, enjoy a hay ride through the woods, and get lost in a corn maze to see just how much fun you can fit into a day at Stewart Farms!

Guide to Fall in Greenville, SC

Arriving at Stewart Farms

Stewart Farms is located in Enoree, SC, about 40 minutes from downtown Greenville. Once you arrive, you will pass the market to your right. The market store is where you will pay for the activities you participated in or for the pumpkins you picked. However, you pay when you are leaving the farm, not before. An attendant will give you a sheet of paper with all the activities available down on the farm, and they will be marked off as you go through your day. Some tips before you arrive include:

  • Bring hats, sunscreen, or even a sunshade umbrella. The pumpkin patch and corn maze get hot, even in the fall, and do not have shade. 
  • Parking is free, and is located near the pumpkin patch entrance.
  • There are plenty of shaded picnic tables, so you can bring your own lunch if you would like, or concessions are available to purchase. 
  • Strollers are recommended for younger children, but we recommend a carrier for babies and toddlers for the wagon ride so you’re not having to hold them still the entire ride.
  • There are port-o-potties on site.  
  • Stewart Farms has a strict no-pet policy.
Pumpkin Patch at Stewart Farms

The U-Pick Pumpkin Patch at Stewart Farms

When you walk up to the pumpkin patch, you will be greeted by an attendant who will offer a wagon and sheers to cut your pumpkin off the vine with. Take the wagon! You will need it for the pumpkin collecting you are about to embark on, and it makes things so much easier. The farm has pumpkins of varying shapes and sizes located throughout dozens of rows, so you can choose what works for your fall decor or Halloween decorating ideas. If the rows near the entrance are a little lackluster, head to the back of the patch where there are usually more pumpkins available.

Pumpkins cost $0.60 per lb. Once you’re finished picking your pumpkins, the attendant will weigh your pumpkins and mark your slip of paper to turn into the farm market for payment, and you can haul your pumpkins to your car using the wagon. Remember, do not cut a pumpkin off the vine if you do not plan to buy it. Also, be mindful of the vines when cutting yours off. Keep the patch happy so everyone can enjoy it. The patch closes at dark, so make sure you arrive in time to explore it!

Pumpkins at Stewart Farms

The SC Corn Maize

Ready to get lost in the corn? The Stewart Farms corn maze is a welcome challenge for families to enjoy together. The 2024 maize can be challenging, so make sure you allot enough time to enjoy it. If you have young children, we definitely recommend taking a stroller or personal wagon through the maze, those little legs will get tired. It costs $8.00 for ages 6 and older to go through the 2024 Corn Maize. 

fall fun at Stewart Farms

Wagon Rides at Stewart Farms

The wagon ride through Stewart Farms is charming, making it one of our favorite activities. The wagon is tractor led and pulls a large trailer with seats and gates. The majority of the wagon ride is through the woods, where you can look for fall decorations, Halloween displays, and old farm equipment while taking in the earthy smells, leaves changing color, and cooler weather. The wait to get on the wagon can take some time on busy days, but most of the line forms in the shade and the ride itself is worth it! The wagon ride takes about 25 minutes to complete, so make sure your kids take a snack and bathroom break beforehand. The wagon ride costs $5 per person and is free for children 2 and under.

Stewart Farms Nighttime Activities

If you’re looking for some spooky activities to go along with your trip to Stewart Farms, then make sure to go in the evening! The farm offers several nights in October where you can take a Nightime Wagon Ride or explore the Big Boo Haunted Maize. The wagon ride ventures through the woods where you will see lit jack-o-lanterns and spooky Halloween scenes and decorations. The Big Boo Haunted Maize is family-friendly, but it does get a little creepy in the maize at night so it is only recommended for ages 6 and older. The night activities begin at sundown and go on until 10 pm (gates close at 9, farm closes at 10).

Farm Animals to Visit

Stewart Farms has a small section of farm animals that your kids will love visiting. The goats are the most interactive, and the attendant will give your kids some hay to feed them through their enclosure. There are also ducks, pigs, and a cow to meet.

Stewart Farms

The Courtyard and Concessions

Located at the center of the farm is the courtyard. There are snowcones for purchase from Brain Freeze and a concessions truck that sells food, sweet treats, drinks, and more. There are also 12 shaded picnic tables to enjoy your food at, or you can snag one of the standing shaded tables as well. The courtyard is the perfect place to rest and let your kids get their energy out and run around the field. There are also several photo opportunity spots lined along the cornfields. The Bee Barn is also located in the courtyard, and is a fascinating way to watch the bees maintain their hive!

Stop, Park, and Pay Before you Leave

Unlike some places where you pay beforehand, Stewart Farms has you enjoy the farm activities before paying. Once you leave the activity area and drive out of the parking lot, you will head back to the market store you pass when you first entered. Remember to stop, park, and pay! This is where you will pay for the pumpkins you purchased, and any other activities you engaged in down on the farm. You can also stock up on local goods, home decor, and seasonal flowers at the market before you leave the farm.

2024 Fall Season Admission Costs and Hours

The season runs from September 21st – October 27th

  • Fridays 4 – 10 pm (Gates close at 9 pm)
  • Saturdays 10 am – 10 pm (Gates close at 9 pm)
  • Sundays 1 – 7 pm (Gates close at 6 pm)
  • Monday – Thursday CLOSED
  • MAiZE
    $8 person plus plus tax – ages 6 and up / 5 and under FREE
    Last ticket sold 1 hour before closing
  • Wagon Ride
    $5 per person plus tax / 2 and under FREE
    The last daytime wagon ride departs at 6:30
  • Big Boo Haunted Maize
    $12 per person plus tax for anyone ages 6 and up (October 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, & 26 only) 
    Big Boo is family-friendly, but not recommended for kids under 6
  • Nighttime Wagon Rides
    $8 plus tax for anyone ages 2 and up. (October 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, & 26 only)
    The last nighttime wagon ride departs at 9:30
    *Prices are subject to change.
Painted Hay rolls at Stewart Farms

Have you visited Stewart Farms?

Stewart Farms
6600 Highway 92, Enoree

Go to the Greenville Pumpkin Guide.

Want more fall fun? Check out our Fall Guide to Greenville | Pumpkin Patches in Greenville | Corn Mazes in Greenville


Erin Gorges

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