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Woman says roommate is “more handsome” than her fiancé, internet agrees


Ever been more attracted to your roommate than your significant other? One woman in Atlanta had no problem telling her fiancé that their housemate was “more handsome” than him.

The irresistible roommate in question is none other than the couple’s dog, whose name is Handsome, Travis, the fiancé, who declined to share his surname, told Newsweek.

Travis shared images of their dog, who is part chihuahua and part American Eskimo, in a viral Reddit post under the username streambeck. The post, which had 21,000 upvotes at the time of writing, was shared with a title noting that his fiancée said their roommate was “more handsome than me to my face.”

The girlfriend’s preference for her canine companion is understandable as around a third (30 percent) of millennials said they love their pets more than their partner in a 2022 survey of 1,000 pet owners in the U.S. conducted by the ConsumerAffairs website. Nearly half of those surveyed were millennials, those roughly born between 1981 and 1996.

The survey found that 81 percent of millennials love their pet more than certain family members, including their parents, grandparents and siblings, while 58 percent would rather have pets than children.


Travis is a writer and his fiancée Amanda works in a bakery. The couple, who are both 36 years old, have been in love with their pup since they first got him around three years ago.

Travis said: “We’re both obsessed with how cute Handsome is, it’s probably our most frequent topic of conversation.”

Several Reddit users agreed with Amanda, noting that Travis is facing some stiff competition.

Posting an image of himself next to his dog, Travis wrote in a later comment: “It’s hard for me to post a side by side [pictured], because I know the truth deep down.”

TastyCuttlefish wrote: “Truth hurts bro.”

User relpmeraggy said: “Well she’s [the girlfriend] not wrong.”

MongooseDog907 wrote: “While it may hurt, your roommate is super, duper handsome. I’d keep an eye on him if I were you.”

User malaclypse noted: “Man, you better be REALLY dang handsome to go up against this King.”

Rick_the_P_is_silent wrote: “Mr. Steal Your Girl, did indeed, steal your girl. High 4, little man!”

User togocann49 said: “Betcha they sleep together right under your nose too.”

OffMyRocker2016 added: “And probably hugs & kisses him, too, while he watches in total amazement and full blown jealousy.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

A stock image of a smiling woman on a couch looking at a phone, while a man looks unimpressed next to her, looking over her shoulder. A post about a woman who says her roommate is “more handsome” than her fiancé has gone viral on Reddit.
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