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When Will We Get to See ‘Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse’?
In another universe, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse would have been released on March 29, 2024. Originally titled Across the Spider-Verse Part 2, Beyond is set to be a direct follow-up to 2023’s Across the Spider-Verse, picking up from the sequel’s shocking cliffhanger finale.
With Miles trapped in another reality with his darker alternate self, Gwen and the gang getting ready to save him, and the Spot hellbent on terrorizing Miles and the Multiverse, what will happen next? We’ll have to wait a little longer to find out—maybe even a lot longer.
At the time of writing, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse has been delayed indefinitely. Across the Spider-Verse’s production schedule was famously grueling, with animators and artists working around the clock, adding in new scenes and sequences just a few weeks before release. Now, after the 2023 Hollywood strikes, Beyond’s production team is taking the time to get this final Spider-Verse film right, which is an encouraging sign.
Chris Miller and Phil Lord, Spider-Verse’s writers and producers, spoke to Digital Spy in the summer of 2023 and said that the film will be released “when it is ready.” Lord added, “I can tell you we’re already hard at work on it, and we’ll take the time it takes to make it great.”
If production can continue throughout 2024, there’s a good chance Beyond the Spider-Verse will be released sometime in 2025. For a sequel as ambitious as this one is bound to be, a two-year wait is hardly unheard of. Given the scope of the project, however, 2026 might be more reasonable.
The Spider-Verse movies are universally beloved, and with good reason. Miles Morales’ story, the Spider-Verse concept, and the gorgeous and innovative animation style are second to none. Whenever Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse is ready for release, we’ll be watching.
(featured image: Sony Pictures Releasing)
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