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We’re Fashion Editors Who Secretly Love Comfy Shoes—Here’s What We’re Shopping


How would you describe your everyday style, and how are you switching it up for fall?

With a hybrid work schedule, my outfits can change drastically throughout the week—I’ll wear everything from casual knit sets to tailored separates. However, I tend to stick with pieces that don’t take a lot of effort to style, which means lots of simple trousers, solid-colored tops, and neutral sweaters. Last season, I was really into bright colors, but the cooler temperatures influenced me to embrace strong neutrals like navy and dark green along with materials like tweed and cashmere.

What makes this the perfect athleisure look, and how does it make you feel?

This look feels very L.A. Everyone likes to wear athleisure-inspired outfits around here, so the leggings and sporty jacket are right in line with that laid-back vibe. I tend to stick with all black for my athletic looks, but the punchy, electric-blue sneakers and trendy shield sunglasses make the entire outfit feel cooler than the norm. It’s nice that these sneakers are easy on the feet and still look good. I don’t really have to worry about packing an extra pair of shoes to slip on after my a.m. workout.

What are your tips and tricks for styling running shoes on those days when you’re doing more than running or exercising?

Generally, stick to one color palette. Don’t try to mix a ton of colors, shapes, and silhouettes. When in doubt, minimalistic pieces are much easier to style with running sneakers than sporty pieces that have a ton of bells and whistles.

Why is New Balance your go-to destination for athleisure looks?

The brand really knows what’s going on in terms of trends and athletic performance. Usually, you have to sacrifice one for another—like going for not-so-cute running shoes because they’re better performance-wise or going for elevated sneakers that aren’t really comfortable. But New Balance offers the best of both worlds at an affordable price point.


Virginia Yapp

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