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Top 4 Historical Sites to Visit in the World


Photo by Yasir Gürbüz from Pexels

Are you a history buff keen to set your sights on some of the most famous sites in the world? Or perhaps you love travelling and want to tick some historic destinations off your bucket list? Whatever your situation, we’re here to help!

We’ve put together this list of four of the best historical sites to visit across the world to help you decide where to head on your next trip.

1. Machu Picchu, Peru

Best Historical Sites to Visit in the World

Photo by Maria Camila Castaño from Pexels

Located high in the Andes Mountains in southern Peru, Machu Picchu is an iconic historical site renowned for its ancient Inca ruins. According to Britannica, it’s believed that “the dwellings at Machu Picchu were probably built and occupied from the mid-15th to the early or mid-16th century” and “served as a royal retreat”.

You can either take a short bus journey to the entrance of the site or hike the steep trail to the entrance. Or, if you’re keen for more of a challenge – you can trek the iconic Inca Trail with a tour group, which typically takes around four days.

2. Petra, Jordan

heritage sites of world - Historical Sites

Photo by Yasir Gürbüz from Pexels

The UNESCO world heritage site of Petra is in the desert of southern Jordan and is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. You can head on a Jordan tour to explore the so-called “Red Rose City”, where buildings are half built and half carved into the red sandstone landscape.

It’s said to date back to the third century BCE when it was built by the Nabataeans. It’s often best known for The Treasury – an awe-inspiring temple that features elaborate decoration and is a fine example of the craftsmanship at the site.

3. Giza, Egypt

historical sites - giza Egypt

Photo by Thais Cordeiro from Pexels

Sat on the bank of the river Nile in Egypt, the city of Giza is home to some of the most famous ancient monuments in the world. Head to the iconic Giza Necropolis to set your sights on the Great Sphinx – a limestone statue with the body of a lion and the head of a human.

You can also explore the iconic pyramids of Khafre, Menkaure and Khufu. The latter is known as The Great Pyramid of Giza dating back to 2600 BCE and is the largest of the pyramids, standing at 481 feet.

4. Stonehenge, UK

historical sites stonehenge

Photo by Kris Schulze from Pexels

Stonehenge is a world-famous prehistoric monument that’s located on Salisbury Plain in southern England. It features a circle of stones that date back around 5,000 years. English Heritage state that “we can only speculate as to what Stonehenge’s purpose was” but evidence suggests “it was a prehistoric temple aligned with the sun’s movements”.

During your visit, you can head to the exhibition to find out more about the site and take a look at the Neolithic houses that sit just outside the visitor centre. They are a recreation based on the remains of the dwellings discovered during excavation and give an insight into how people lived and worked there.

Whichever of these historic sites you choose to visit – it’s sure to be the trip of a lifetime!



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