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Today’s Wordle answer for Thursday, August 1


Solve today’s Wordle on your first guess, or instantly turn a tough game around. Just click your way to Thursday’s answer and bask in the warm glow of another win. You could spend a little time with our tips instead if you’d like, or take a look at our hint for the August 1 (1139) game. You’ve got this.

Who knew two letters could be so hard to find? I tried all the obvious stuff. Then the weird stuff. The risky stuff. The stuff I wasn’t entirely sure was even a word. Nothing. Then, finally, the answer. And even that took longer than it should have, seeing as my eyes kept skimming over that part of the keyboard. Wake up properly before you Wordle, okay?

Today’s Wordle hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Thursday, August 1


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