Self Help
The 7 Best Rowing Machines Of 2023 To Keep You Motivated, From A CPT
If you want a more immersive, interactive, game-like experience or enjoy competition, thisis an excellent pick. With several options for games, group rowing, coached rowing, guided programs, and competitive challenges, you will be easily motivated to keep up with your rowing workouts. Moreover, the 22-inch HD touchscreen makes viewing and choosing your programs a cinch while perched on the machine.
Rowing on this machine is exceptionally smooth, due to a combination of air and magnetic resistance. When testing, we found it very comfortable and accommodating. The rower has adjustable features like foot width, which is unique to Aviron. With a weight limit of 507 pounds and a height limit of 6-feet 8-inches, it is ideal for many body types. Plus, the higher seat height makes getting on and off the machine a breeze.
With a 4.8 out of 5 stars, the Aviron is a fan favorite. Some reviewers (like me, the writer) were accustomed to using a traditional air rower until someone recommended he try an interactive model, and are now converts. Others say this rower motivates them to exercise every day. One writes, “I truly love this rower. It is so diverse in its programs, and even on my laziest days, I get to Netflix and row. I have also utilized the strength training portions that are led by an instructor and definitely get a nice burn the day after.”
Rachel MacPherson
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