Taking a Break From Alcohol With A Gummy
The holidays continue to plow through until January 2, then everyone has regrets and promises. New Year resolutions are dutifully made and efforts are expended to lead a better, healthier life. But what about during the final part of the season? Maybe taking a break from alcohol with a gummy can help you and your body feel better.
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During holiday season, people drink to celebrate, to relax and to avoid some of the stress and tensions coming from being around the family. This tends to make alcohol a staple of the holiday season. But it can be counterproductive to the feel good atmosphere. Surveys suggest in the weeks between Thanksgiving and the new year, alcohol consumption spikes. For some people, it’s as much as double what they drink during the rest of the year. With eggnog, adult ciders, spiked punch and celebratory glasses of sparkling wine, it’s not that hard for extra alcohol to creep into one’s daily life. It starts the day before Thanksgiving with Blackout Wednesday.
Consuming alcohol can lead to high levels of stomach acid. This can inflame the stomach lining, leading to irritation and bloating that can last a few days. In addition, Alcohol is considered a depressant and directly affects the central nervous system. Once alcohol enters the bloodstream, it circulates to the brain, where it proceeds to slow down the firing of neurons. When neuronal firings decrease at a normal rate, it can result in fatigue, and sleepiness. Alcohol can also imped sleep while gummies can help you sleep better, this can help you body revive quicker after a few days.
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Traditionally, when people think of consuming cannabis, they think of smoking. But the new wave of partakers since legalization leans into vapes and gummies. In fact, almost 50% of the way people consume is via gummies. Gummies offer benefits and control. With control, you can manage the dosage and manage just a bit of relaxation without too much “celebration”. Gummies also don’t have the same body effect on your stomach, which is a benefit and give your tummy time to bounce back.
So taking a break a break from alcohol with a gummy can be good for your body and head.
Amy Hansen
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