[ad_1] Mr. Harris, our friendly next-door neighbor, was a sunshine on our street. Always with a wave and a warm hello, he’d stop to chat about...
[ad_1] Jackie just gave birth to her son, and she didn’t feel too good about herself. All she wanted to do was stay in bed. She...
[ad_1] Do you have a friend? Maybe you have lots of friends. Some you can call acquaintances, but many of us are blessed with friends who...
[ad_1] WNBA star Brittney Griner is expecting a child with her wife Cherelle. The US Sun reports the couple is only three months away from welcoming their...
[ad_1] PTSD is the abbreviation for post-traumatic stress disorder. There is also another form of PTSD known as CPTSD. This stands for complex post-traumatic stress disorder....
[ad_1] Grandparents are one of the best things that God created. They bring so much love into our lives and they love our families. Still, God...
[ad_1] 1 John 4:17 tells us, “And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day...
[ad_1] Divorce is typically not the end most couples have in mind when they walk down the aisle, though nearly half of all first marriages are...
[ad_1] It is amazing to me how God divinely orchestrates our path. At just the right time, in just the right place, He has a way...
[ad_1] Is there anything sweeter than a soul-refreshing friendship? You know the one you can randomly meet up with at a coffee shop, spill your guts,...
[ad_1] It seems like a whirlwind romance! He picked her up at the airport and took her to his home as a first-time guest. They stayed...
[ad_1] Getting engaged is a pivotal moment in a couple’s lives and comes with much excitement and anticipation. However, this glorious moment can be shattered when...
[ad_1] The Los Angeles City Ethics Commission has privately accused City Councilmember Curren Price of voting on a number of matters in which his wife had...
[ad_1] I feel as though I’m prying. Maybe it’s because there’s a stigma around loneliness, even if this condition is something of an epidemic. About 1...
[ad_1] My oldest grandson just entered his last year of elementary school. The years have whizzed by in a flurry of sweet and sometimes salty photographs,...
[ad_1] A man and his friend were arrested after authorities say his wife was found shot to death in their Washington home in what may have...
[ad_1] The trendy “tradwife” movement. What’s this all about, really? The term trad wife, which denotes the view of a traditional wife with traditional values, was...
[ad_1] A San Gabriel Valley man was found guilty of murder by an Alhambra court Wednesday of bludgeoning his two nephews to death during an overnight...
[ad_1] Have you noticed the influx of media marketing lately? Post after post offers seminars or curriculum to help you “be the best you” that you...
[ad_1] There is a common myth that all single men in their thirties and forties are immature. While this is a common belief, it is not...