[ad_1] Newswise — Rockville, Md. (February 10, 2023)—A first-of-its-kind study finds a natural coconut sugar may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving blood...
[ad_1] Newswise — CHICAGO – The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages consumers to fuel for the future when planning meals and snacks. Fuel for the...
[ad_1] Newswise — Researchers and chefs at the University of Reading aim to encourage British consumers and food producers to switch to bread containing faba beans...
[ad_1] Newswise — PHOENIX—Um smoothie comum é uma bebida feita com uma mistura de frutas ou vegetais. Há muitas maneiras de preparar um. Embora eles forneçam vários benefícios...
[ad_1] الشراب المخفوق التقليدي (السموذي) هو عبارة عن مشروب مصنوع من خليط الفواكه أو الخضراوات، ويمكن تحضيره بعدة طرق مختلفة. على الرغم من فوائده الصحية العديدة،...
[ad_1] Newswise — In a study examining the link between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and brain dysfunction, scientists at the Roger Williams Institute of Hepatology,...
[ad_1] Newswise — Stressed university students might want to add walnuts to their daily diet in the weeks leading up to their next exam. A new clinical...
[ad_1] Newswise — With an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and legumes, the Mediterranean diet has long been applauded for its multiple health benefits. Now, new research...
[ad_1] Newswise — Philadelphia, December 5, 2022 – Despite numerous health benefits and recommendations from dietary guidelines, whole-grain food intake remains low globally. A research article featured in the Journal...
[ad_1] Newswise — A diet rich in whole grains, which are naturally high in fiber, is associated with lowering a person’s risk for various health problems....
[ad_1] Newswise — ROCHESTER, Minnesota — A prescrição de determinados nutrientes, grãos, frutas e legumes personalizados para os genes e outras características biológicas de uma pessoa...
[ad_1] 罗切斯特,明尼苏达州 — 如果根据一个人的基因和其他生物学特征来制定包含特定营养物质、谷物、水果和蔬菜的专门食谱,是否有助于改善他们的健康状况?妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) 的研究人员正在探索根据一个人的基因、新陈代谢、微生物群系和其他区别特征来定制营养物质和膳食指南的潜在益处。这种综合方法的最终目标是改善健康,帮助预防与饮食相关的疾病,包括心脏病、糖尿病和某些癌症。 [ad_2] Mayo Clinic Source link
[ad_1] Newswise — The idea that what we eat directly affects our health is ancient; Hippocrates recognized this as far back as 400 B.C. But, identifying...
[ad_1] Newswise — When we think of healthy vegetables, we don’t think of potatoes, but we should. Potatoes have developed a reputation for causing weight gain...
[ad_1] Newswise — A Nebraska-led coming attraction may soon pop into a global blockbuster. Through a decade-long project supported by Conagra Foods, a University of Nebraska–Lincoln research...
[ad_1] Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages. Here in the United States and in 17 other countries, September 29th is celebrated as National...