[ad_1] Enrique Hernández Pando Opinion by Enrique Hernandez Pando (madrid, spain) Tuesday, August 22, 2023 Inter Press Service MADRID, Spain, Aug 22 (IPS) – Enrique Hernández Pando...
[ad_1] Women outside an emergency vehicle aimed at helping those affected by flooding. CREDIT: Ashfaq Yusufzai/IPS by Ashfaq Yusufzai (peshawar, pakistan) Friday, August 18, 2023 Inter Press...
[ad_1] If people living in informal settlements gained access to adequate housing, the average life span would jump 2.4 years on average globally, saving 730,000 lives...
[ad_1] Togotia, a forgotten African leafy vegetable, has found its way back into markets as its high nutritional value could help address food security. CREDIT: Egerton...
[ad_1] Monsoon rains flooding Indian cities is more widespread in 2023, raising questions on business-as-usual development policies that continue even as climate conspicuously shifts. CREDIT: Manipadma...
[ad_1] The #AfghanGirlsVoices Campaign is a compelling and poignant campaign developed in collaboration with ECW Global Champion, Somaya Faruqi. CREDIT: ECW by Cecilia Russell (nairobi) Monday, August...
[ad_1] IFAD says investing in smallholder farmers is key to tackling food insecurity or severe food and nutritional insecurity. CREDIT: Busani Bafana/IPS by Busani Bafana (bulawayo) Monday,...
[ad_1] Women and girls in Kenya’s West Pokot celebrate as the government cracks down on those practising harmful Female Genital Mutilation in the area. CREDIT: Joyce...
[ad_1] Opinion by Jomo Kwame Sundaram (kuala lumpur, malaysia) Wednesday, August 09, 2023 Inter Press Service KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Aug 09 (IPS) – The primary commodity price...
[ad_1] Goat rearing is contributing to economic independence and improved livelihoods of women thanks to a post-COVID-19 empowerment project. CREDIT: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS by Umar Manzoor...
[ad_1] Smallholder farmer Elizabeth Mpofu uses renewable energy to reduce emissions from firewood at her farm in Shashe, Mashava. Credit: Farai Shawn Matiashe/IPS by Farai Shawn...
[ad_1] View of the Itaipú hydroelectric plant shared by Brazil and Paraguay on the Paraná River. CREDIT: Mario Osava/IPS Opinion by Philippe Benoit, Anne Sophie Corbeau (washington...
[ad_1] Two pregnant girls walk through the center of the capital of El Salvador, a country with one of the highest rates of pregnancies among girls...
[ad_1] DG Simeon Ehui visits IITA Semi-Autotrophic Hydroponic SAH, cassava multiplication section with Kenton Dashiell and Debo Akande facilitated by Mercy Diebru-Ojo, Assitant Seed Specialist (Right)....
[ad_1] Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine, Denise Brown. Credit: UN by Abigail Van Neely (united nations) Tuesday, August 01, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Aug 01 (IPS)...
[ad_1] “Migration is a right,” read the handkerchiefs held by two women at a demonstration in the Argentine capital for migrants’ rights. At left is Natividad...
[ad_1] Opinion by Jomo Kwame Sundaram (kuala lumpur, malaysia) Wednesday, July 26, 2023 Inter Press Service KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jul 26 (IPS) – Currency values and foreign...
[ad_1] Marisol and Misael Menjívar pose next to the biodigester installed in March in the backyard of their home in El Corozal, a rural settlement located...
[ad_1] by Aimable Twahirwa (kigali) Thursday, July 20, 2023 Inter Press Service KIGALI, Jul 20 (IPS) – Scientists have recently unveiled a first-ever weather forecasting model using...
[ad_1] ECW director Yasmine Sherif and other delegates at the “Ensuring Education Continuity: The Roles of Education in Emergencies, Protracted Crises and Building Peace” conference at...