[ad_1] I come from a long line of family members who use sarcasm as a regular part of conversation. Most of the time, it’s not used...
[ad_1] Let’s be clear: Any red flag is important to keep in mind and is worth having a conversation about. However, objective red flags are the...
[ad_1] I am truly so happy for you. You get to live life with only the common fears and worries that come with reality being reality....
[ad_1] Not all relationships are meant to be forever, including soulmates, and accepting this fact is the first step to making the most of a soul...
[ad_1] Adultery is a biblical ground for divorce and as such the person who has remained faithful in the marriage is free to remarry. I will...
[ad_1] If you truly want to cut through the noise and quickly find matches, OkCupid is the app to be on. OkCupid is known for asking...
[ad_1] He is risen. He is risen indeed! Easter celebrates the pinnacle of our Christian faith, the risen Christ. We owe a debt to God because...
[ad_1] Jesus said to His disciples, “No longer said do I call you servants, but I have called you friends” (John 15:15). Before Jesus went to...
[ad_1] “When I think of red flags, I think about the nonstarters or ‘hard stops’ that might come up in relationships that essentially make a relationship...
[ad_1] One day, when a conversation about completing chores quickly turned into a fight resulting in criticism and blame, I realized something: Although I had no...
[ad_1] When God created marriage, He had one thing in mind. To create a human union that reflected how He loves the church (His people). He...
[ad_1] “It wasn’t supposed to be this way.” In marriage, we struggle in the tension between hopeful ideals and the very real hurts we feel as...
[ad_1] When you think of hospitality, what comes to mind? For me, I think of inviting people into my home and creating a space for them...
[ad_1] Last but not least, if your relationship grows, that doesn’t mean you have to completely lose aspects of ludus love. As Page tells mindbodygreen, ludus...
[ad_1] Although it’s a common belief that “opposites attract,” research shows that couples who share similarities are actually more likely to last long-term. A 2005 study...
[ad_1] Four in five Americans believe that women stay in unhappy relationships due to lack of financial independence, according to data from Bumble’s State of the...
[ad_1] We conquer leadership insecurities by preparing ourselves. Spiritual preparation involves a consciously, regularly, deliberately focused study of the Word of God. Paul, in 2 Timothy...
[ad_1] Trust us. We get it. Someone talks about you behind your back or lies to your face. It makes you mad. You want to vent,...
[ad_1] By single-handedly severing the communication cord, ghosting prevents any attempts at reconciliation. This is unfortunate because many conflicts end up shattering hearts simply because the...
[ad_1] Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Dating apps have undoubtedly revolutionized how people find love and connect with others. 3 in 10 US...