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So What’s Going to Happen to Rocket in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’?


Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 is on the horizon, and it looks like we’re going to get plenty of the brash fan-favorite character Rocket Raccoon. But while more Rocket is always welcome in our lives, the shots we see of him in the trailer are a little disturbing. Is Rocket going to die in the new Guardians movie? Will any of us survive if he doesn’t make it? How are we going to deal with any more bad stuff happening to this little king?

Here’s everything we know so far!

The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 trailer hints at Rocket’s death

The trailer makes it clear that we’ll be getting a lot of Rocket in this movie. We see him as a baby in a cage, shrinking back in fear as a hand reaches in to grab him. We see him hugging an otter, who’s known as Lady Lylla in the comics.

But then things seem to take a turn for Rocket. He tells Peter he’s “done running,” and then we see him lying on the ground, wounded. As he lies there, he says, “We’ll all fly away together one last time, into the forever, and beautiful sky.”

Then we see him standing somewhere new, without any armor on, surrounded by white light.

Rocket, no!! As our Rachel Leishman points out, one possible plot point in the movie could be Rocket falling in love with Lylla, but then sacrificing himself to save the rest of the team. However, other fans are speculating that he could have a close brush with death, but then ride off with Lylla into the interstellar sunset.

What’s important to remember is that Marvel loves to use their trailers to throw us off the scent. They edit footage in misleading ways, and even include footage that isn’t in the actual movie. Remember when we were all freaking out because it looked like Thor might die in Thor: Love and Thunder? Maybe Marvel won’t throw our hearts out the airlock in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

What can we expect in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?

But then again, this is the last film in the Guardians series, so who knows what dramatic stuff could happen? The trailer is definitely hinting that someone won’t make it out alive. The movie comes out on May 5, 2023, so even if Rocket survives, get ready to ugly cry in the theater.

(featured image: Marvel Entertainment)

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Julia Glassman

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