Self Help
Psychology Sales Tips: How To Boost Branding & Audience Connection
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When people say, “the science of branding”, what they really mean is the science of customer psychology. And because all consumers are first and foremost human beings, this term really refers to human psychology, and how it can shape and influence consumer behavior.
Humans are emotional beings, and the way we feel can have a huge impact on how we live our lives, sustain relationships, and yes-make purchase decisions.
If you want your brand to withstand the test of time and make a deeper impact on its target audience, developing an understanding of consumer psychology is essential. By learning how to appeal to people’s emotional sides, you can drive them to engage with your brand in a way that is lasting and authentic.
6 Ways To Use Psychology For Deeper Audience Connection
As a brand, connecting with your audience is marketing 101. People will struggle to identify with the personality of your brand if it lacks relatable human qualities. After all, those qualities are what will stand out to consumers and drive them to take action with your brand.
So, what is the science of branding, and how do you use psychology to build a stronger, more durable audience connection? Take a look at these six methods.
1. Tell A Story Through Your Brand
One of the most powerful things you can do for your brand is to give it a narrative. Storytelling has been used for thousands of years as a means to share wisdom, comfort, and inspiration. All of which have strong emotional components that are capable of influencing thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
Linking a story to your brand makes it more relatable and encourages people to see themselves in your brand in a more tangible and realistic way.
For instance, if your brand sells sports gear, using media to depict real stories or realistic scenarios of people who spend years sacrificing blood, sweat, and tears for athletic glory, you are much more likely to strike a connection with consumers than if you just list your product’s best features.
2. Show Empathy
Empathy is one of the most important, necessary, and quintessential human traits. And unfortunately, many brands and businesses struggle to emulate it. But that just leaves more room for yours to excel. You can show empathy through your brand by:
- Shift focus away from hard selling: Yes, sales are important, but those will happen on their own if you position your brand in the right way. Instead of solely focusing on profit and business growth, put customer experience and satisfaction at the forefront of your priority list.
- Listen to your customers: A big part of empathy is about listening to others with an open mind and a desire to help where possible. Give your customers opportunities to voice their opinions on your brand and respond empathically.
- Humanize your brand: This one might sound abstract, but there are many ways to accomplish it. Center your brand on the true story of how you came to be, what your social purpose is, and what really drives you on an emotional level to connect with your audience.
All in all, showing empathy is about letting your audience know that you are more than just a business. You are a company with heart, soul, and a desire to make a real impact on people’s lives.
3. Use Social Data As Proof
Studies show that people are more susceptible to trusting brands that can provide social proof of their impact on other people’s lives. For example, by conducting a survey on customer satisfaction, you can publish the results (assuming they’re largely positive) to prove you have a high approval rating.
This one is important because consumers place more value on each other’s opinions than the opinions of the brands they follow.
By giving your audience access to data which showcases your brand’s best qualities, you can not only come across as more honest but also as a trustworthy brand that people feel safe to take action with.
4. Employ Humor
Humor may not exactly be an emotion but it certainly plays into a variety of powerful positive emotions that most people love to experience. Joy, relief, hopefulness, and levity all make people feel lighter and more relaxed, making it easier for your brand to swoop in and charm the socks off of them.
Using humor in your marketing campaigns and content can not only make people smile, but it can promote better sales, better brand perception, and even brand loyalty.
5. Let Purpose Drive Your Brand
Part of what it means to utilize brand humanization is to let purpose drive your creative marketing decisions. When consumers feel like there’s an authentic reason behind why your brand exists, it compels them to want to engage with your brand over others.
There are millions of brands out there. Why should people choose yours? Give consumers plenty of opportunities to see the humanness of your brand and how purpose drives you to do better.
6. Be Consistent In Delivering Your Brand Experience
And finally, consistency. Now, being consistent doesn’t mean reusing the same campaign a million times over or never rethinking your brand strategy or showcasing your products in new and exciting ways. But it does mean cultivating a brand experience that feels safe and familiar to your target audience.
Find your angle, discover your voice, pinpoint your purpose as a brand, and let those core tenets guide you all the way through. If you change things up too much, it can be unsettling to consumers and they may start to seek that same comfort they once felt with you, with other brands.
Turn Psychology Into A Selling Point
Emotions are powerful motivators of human behavior, which makes them one of the most important things to consider when developing your brand. Without the ability to connect with your audience on an emotional level, your marketing efforts may feel flat, empty, and even soulless.
With these tips, you can cultivate a better understanding of consumer psychology and how to wield it as a tool for creating more authentic and engaging campaigns.
Carmen Docampo
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