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Noxious odor at Nashville airport leads FAA to issue a temporary ground stop | CNN



A ground stop was temporarily issued at Nashville International Airport after a noxious odor was detected on one of the airport’s concourses Sunday afternoon, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

The FAA said the stop was ordered “to facilitate the safe resumption of operations.”

The airport evacuated Concourse C due to the presence of the odor around 2:42 p.m. Sunday, and the Metropolitan Nashville Fire Department conducted air quality testing and determined there were no air contaminants, the airport said.

“Test results indicate that the sample was a solvent, Butoxyethyl Acetate, commonly used in lacquers, varnishes, enamels and resins,” the airport said in a tweet. “Additional air quality testing was also completed and no contaminants were discovered.”

The FAA later lifted their ground stop, allowing flights to resume. Concourse C was “deemed safe” by the incident commander and restored to full operational status at 4:16 p.m.


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