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Maximizing Space in Manufacturing Buildings


Photo by Alexander Isreb from Pexels

As more manufacturing returns to the US, many company owners are looking for ways to further maximize space. Saving space in a warehouse is an important task. Platform mezzanine systems are an effective way to gain more space in your warehouse or manufacturing plant. Now’s an ideal time to learn more about platform mezzanine systems and how they’re able to increase usable space in any commercial structure.

More Than Just Shelves

Initially, many warehouse owners turned to complex shelving systems to increase their usable space. While this is an effective step forward, it’s one that’s limited. There’s only so much space that shelves can add. Especially as they can only expand the current usable space. For a true expansion of usable space, more space needs to be added. Shelves are effective in utilizing the current amount of space, especially when they’re expanded vertically, but they don’t really create additional space. Once these shelving systems are fully utilized, owners are faced with a difficult decision.

They can either invest in a completely new, larger space, or expand the one they’re currently in. Many warehouse and plant owners overlook the option of installing a platform mezzanine system. This choice doesn’t require expensive moves and construction projects. They utilize the available space but increase the usability of vertical square footage. There’s no reason for capital expenditure to build expansions or new warehouses until all space has been completely utilized. Catwalks and platforms are ideal for any company that wants to stay in its current location while also enjoying an expanded amount of space that can be utilized.

Reimagine Current Warehouses and Manufacturing Plants

Building a business from the ground up is a complex undertaking. Many commercial entities start out small. This means that the real estate that used to be adequate for their needs is no longer sufficient. When they reach this point in their growth, a decision needs to be made. Smart and savvy business owners look to reimagine their current space rather than look to move elsewhere. This allows them to audit current processes and workflows to gain a better understanding of what’s working and what can be improved.

This process is an ideal opportunity to not only reimagine real estate and space, but strategic approaches to the way they do business. During this audit, they may discover a host of ways to improve their logistics. Oftentimes, it’s discovered that there’s a significant amount of wasted space that can be reallocated to improve efficiency. It’s always a good idea to grasp any opportunity to rethink the current way of doing things. The answers to these audits often surprise business owners who are delighted with the improvement opportunities that are discovered. Incorporating the installation of mezzanine systems increases the overall benefit of such exercises.

There’s no need to wait to learn more. The benefits of these systems are realized immediately. There’s no need to increase real estate holdings when a platform mezzanine can provide additional space needed.


David Johnson

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