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Layover That Would Save $39 Requires Spending 7 Months Living In Iowa City Suburb


NEW YORK—While weighing the pros and cons of the flight as he planned his trip to visit family on the West Coast, local man Brett Danielewski, 32, reportedly expressed conflicting feelings Tuesday about a layover that would save him $39 but also require spending 7 months living in an Iowa City, IA suburb. “On the one hand, this could net me 40 bucks, which is, like, a whole dinner out, but then again, it does sound like a hassle spending five-thousand hours just puttering around outside Iowa City,” said Danielewski, who also expressed some trepidation after seeing that the flight’s fine print strongly implied he would need to settle down, marry, and start a family during that period in a nearby town such as Morse or Oxford. “If I have a book with me, it’ll probably pass pretty fast. And we’re talking about five and a half dollars in my pocket for every month I’m there. Man, that’s definitely tempting. But is it enough time to make my connecting flight?” At press time, Danielewski had opted for a slightly more expensive option that would allow him to simply spend a whole month living at the Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport.


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