WASHINGTON—Quietly applying to better jobs while still working her current one, Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly asked a West Wing docent Friday if she could put him down as a reference. “Hey, James—it’s James, right?—would you be okay with me putting you down as a work reference on my résumé?” said Harris, explaining that she needed to include someone from the White House, but didn’t want to raise any alarm bells with her team or her supervisor before she secured a new position elsewhere. “I feel like we’ve had a great rapport the three times we’ve spoken, and you know me about as well as any of my colleagues here. Also, you work in a different department, which is kind of perfect because no one knows I’m leaving yet. I’m trying to stay under the radar in case I don’t get the job I’m applying for—you know how it goes. You don’t have to lie or anything. Just pretend to be my boss if anyone calls and say how hard of a worker I am, how passionately I approach my duties, how I get along with everyone, etc. And, hey, if you’re interested in my job, I can definitely put in a good word for you to replace me.” At press time, sources confirmed the vice president had successfully secured a role as the White House’s summer intern.

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