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Jenn’s shocking ‘Bachelorette’ finale has Bachelor Nation reeling
NEW YORK — We’re back in Hawaii for the dramatic conclusion to Jenn’s journey, and was it ever. We picked up with Jenn meeting up with her family. She was hoping they could help provide some clarity on which of the remaining men, Marcus or Devin, was right for her.
Jenn’s brother, friend Nicole, aunt, and mother were in Hawaii to meet her final two suitors. She admitted to her family that she said I love you to both, but only Devin has said it back so far. Jenn said at this point, her feelings towards the men are pretty equal.
Jenn’s Family Meets Devin
Devin brought gifts for everyone, he looked like Santa Claus with all of the bags he had. Devin told them that Jenn lights up whenever she talks about them. He added that he grew up with a strong, single mother as well. Jenn said to them that that’s how they really started to connect.
Devin told Jenn’s mom and aunt that he never dated an Asian girl but he loves it, loves Jenn, and that it’s not about ethnicity for him. He was quick to tell them that he loves Jenn and that he has zero doubts about her. Jenn’s mother thanked Devin for loving Jenn. It was so sweet! He really drove the point home that he wants to be her rock and would find that responsibility to be “a blessing.” He said that it would kill him to not be the one. He asked for their blessing, and they said that they would need more time because in their culture they take that time.
Jenn’s mom really pressed her on why she loves Devin. Jenn said that Devin unwaveringly loves her and wants to know all of her parts. Her mother was concerned that Devin didn’t know much about Vietnamese culture. Jenn said that Devin wants their future kids to know their culture and learn to speak Vietnamese. Her mother then told her that she needed more time to get to know Devin. Jenn tried to say that she shouldn’t worry because she would never marry someone she didn’t want to marry.
Live Show – Jenn’s Guys in the Audience
Dylan Jeremy and Jonathon were in the audience – and they told Jesse Palmer that they were there to give support to Jenn. What could be happening?
Jenn’s Brother and Devin
Jenn and her brother talked about her and Devin’s similar past with a single mom and strained relationship with their dads. Her brother said that he would support whatever she wanted to do. James said he could see how happy Jenn was with Devin. But – he wanted to grill him!
Devin told James that he was confident in their relationship. He said he never has to change anything about himself with Jenn and he’s never had that before. Devin admitted that he’s worried about the other guy that’s still involved. Devin also asked for her brother’s blessing and got shot down again. “I’m definitely not going to give my blessing now,” he said. James added he wanted to speak to the second guy first. He said it wasn’t because he didn’t like Devin, but he wanted to make sure he was doing the right thing for his sister.
Jenn told Devin to hold on and that she’d “never felt like this before and I love you.” Except with Marcus maybe, who she said it to first. “Don’t get in your head, okay?” Jenn said to Devin as he got in the SUV and drove away.
Marcus Meets Jenn’s Family
Here we go! Marcus’ turn! I’m so nervous for him. James is worried that Jenn is falling yet again for another emotionally unavailable man. Marcus brought just one gift bag. He admitted that he was a bit nervous. Marcus shared how he and his siblings were put in foster care. He had two older sisters who were adopted out, and then he and his sister Gabby got adopted out eventually to another. Wow, to be split up like that is so sad. Marcus also shared his experience of nearly losing his life while serving his country.
James Speaks with Marcus
James shared his appreciation with Marcus for sharing so much with his family about his past and how he knew that it wasn’t easy for him. Marcus said he wouldn’t do it unless he really cared for Jenn. He also admitted that he underestimated how important emotions are, especially because he had to block them while serving. Marcus said that Jenn makes him believe that taking the next step is possible. James thought that Marcus played “Ring Around the Rosy” with his questions.
James Speaks with Jenn’s Mom and Aunt
Marcus said that he believes that he can fall in love with Jenn, but he’s not there yet. He said he’s missing the feeling of “certainty.” He started to cry as he spoke about it. He really wants to be that guy for her, but it seems like he’s under too much pressure. This seems to be way too fast for him. “The feelings I have for your daughter are real,” Marcus said. Jenn’s mom is worried that Marcus could hurt her in the long run.
Jenn told her brother that she feels Marcus is close to being in love with her, but he’s not there yet. She blames his past trauma. James told her that Marcus fits the mold of men from her past who are emotionally unavailable. “Marcus is a really good man who has good intentions, but it is a little concerning,” Jenn said. She hopes she knows where his heart is at. “How long are you willing to wait?” James asked Jenn. “I’m not sure,” she said. James cried as he told his sister how he just wanted the best for her.
Jenn Confronts Marcus About His Feelings
Jenn said her family said some things that were really hard to hear. She asked him, “How do you see this ending for us?” Marcus said that he thought they made progress that day. “Where are you at with your feelings?” Jenn pressed. “Are you not certain about me?” Marcus said he doesn’t think it’s her, he thinks it’s the pressure to build the family that he never had. He hoped that him saying he’s getting there and his feelings are still growing could be “enough.” Jenn realizes she shouldn’t still feel confused.
Live Show
James was emotional again. Jesse asked him how he was feeling. “As you can tell, I’m not too happy.” Yikes!
Jenn’s Last Date with Devin
Jenn met up with Devin on the beach where they walked over to two spiritual guides. They did a spiritual ceremony that is supposed to happen before any life event. Jenn said she wanted to put any concerns in the past and this was a chance for them to have a fresh future. They got lava rocks that represented their fears and shared how they felt with each other. Jenn wants someone who won’t leave when things get tough. They threw their rocks into the water to release their fears. Devin and Jenn dipped their bodies into the ocean as a spiritual rebirth of sorts. They shared a bunch of kisses on the beach as Devin remained worried that he wouldn’t be the guy in the end.
In the evening, they met up with a passionate kiss. Devin said that he wants Jenn to “feel the weight of his soul.” That’s intense. Devin and Jenn talked about throwing the stones in the ocean and how it made them not afraid to take the next step together. Devin said that he trusts her opinions and decisions. That was something that really made Jenn feel seen. Santa Claus pulled out another gift and it was from the shaman on their New Zealand date. He told him not to give it out until he knew whom he wanted to give it to for the rest of his life. Jenn loved the level of commitment that it showed. “Devin keeps blowing me away!” Jenn said. “You can continue to be loved like that, but you just have to love me back,” Devin said. “I do love you,” Jenn said. She said she now knows what unconditional love is.
Jenn Has Doubts
Jenn woke up frustrated and confused after her amazing date with Devin. She doesn’t understand how Marcus can’t feel as strongly about her as she does with him. “His uncertainty is making me uncertain,” Jenn admitted.
Jesse Talks with Marcus
Jesse wanted to see how everything was going and if he had made progress with falling in love. Marcus said to Jesse that he told Jenn’s family the truth, he has struggled with his feelings. Marcus said that every time he spends time with Jenn their connection grows. Jesse’s like, so do you love her or are you just afraid to tell her? Marcus said he’s just not certain. Even Jesse seems confused. “If you do in fact love this woman, you have to tell her. Or, I’m afraid you are going to lose her if you don’t,” Jesse said.
Jenn Talks to Marcus
She doesn’t want to go on the date until she talks to Marcus. Jenn had to wait an uncomfortably long time for Marcus to answer his hotel room door when she knocked. She asks him to talk, and that never seems like a good thing and he knows that. She wants to know if he would propose, does he just want to date her, does he even see her in his future? Marcus said he regretted not diving deeper into that topic. “I feel like I tried and you just didn’t want to,” Jenn said. “I don’t think that you were excited for the future.” Marcus said it’s not that he can’t picture it, it’s scary for him. “I’m struggling, for sure,” he said. Marcus said that he wants to keep trying and she makes him want to keep trying. He doesn’t understand why it’s hard for him. Tears rolled down his face as Jenn described how much time and feelings she invested into him when he couldn’t give it back.

“At the end of the day, I know that I love you, I want to be the kind of person that fights for it. Like I want to do this with you. I want to give it a try. I don’t want to give up on us,” Marcus said. That’s how he finally says he loves her. Does he? She’s very conflicted and confused. She has a pit in her stomach instead of feeling elated. Probably not a good sign. Jenn leaves the room, comes back eventually and Marcus admits that he’s afraid of losing her. “I did fall in love with you. It’s clear to me that you know what you want, and I think that’s why I’ve been asking myself some pretty hard questions,” he said. “I’m not giving you what you need.” “I opened my heart to you every second that I got,” Jenn said. She is sick of proving herself, she’s done waiting. “I’m just done,” Jenn said. Marcus then said that he is worried that he wouldn’t find someone like Jenn again. Jenn thanked him for being honest, but she knew that she didn’t want to feel like this anymore. Bye, Marcus!
Marcus in the Hot Seat
Marcus said it was tough to watch his breakup with Jenn back. He said after getting home he didn’t know if he had made the right decision or not. Was it his decision? I think that was all Jenn really… anyway, he said that he hates that he let her down. He didn’t want to be part of the problem of why she had ever felt unworthy of love. “The difficult truth is that I needed to get out of her way.”
Jenn and Marcus Talk Live
Jenn said that their relationship meant a lot to her and that she was glad that he went on this journey with her. He said he felt the same. Jenn said that she wanted to run toward her feelings with Devin and not run from them. She felt like they weren’t aligned with certain things after the fantasy suites. Jenn said that even if Marcus had said I love you sooner, it wouldn’t have worked out because it just wasn’t the right relationship. “My heart was in a different place and wanted something different,” Jenn said.
Decision Day
Jenn was fresh off her breakup with Marcus and although she loves Devin she said she was a bit confused about what she wanted to do. Devin was not confused at all. He met up with Neil Lane to pick out a beautiful engagement ring.
Jenn said that in order to fulfill herself she wants to choose herself. She’s not going to let Devin propose to her, she wants to propose to him! Wow! This is a Bachelor Nation first.
Jesse Interrupts the Proposal
Jesse says that we need to hear what happened since Hawaii from Jenn herself before they air the proposal. This is unprecedented!
Jenn in the Hot Seat
Jenn comes out and wipes away tears. She then started to sob. This is awful. They left Hawaii engaged, and she said she was very happy, but then he started to pull away from her. His promises of where they would live and be together just drifted away. Jenn said she felt like she was secondary to everything in his life and he didn’t even bring her around his family anymore.
They had a happy couple visit planned and instead of going he called her and broke off the engagement. He said he didn’t love her anymore, he felt like something was off and he regretted getting engaged. For the past month, she’s been trying to understand how he could switch his feelings up the way he did. She even told Devin that they could just date, but he said it wasn’t what he wanted anymore. Devin refused couple’s counseling.
How could he do this to her? I’m really disgusted at this situation. At the same time, he shouldn’t be in a relationship that he doesn’t want to be in, Jenn deserves better than that. Jesse then asked her if she was ready to see him. What? This guy is here? How? Dylan, Jeremy, and Jonathon have the look in their eyes of wanting to tear him apart.
Devin Talks to Jenn Live
Devin got a few claps and even a boo as he walked out. Jenn didn’t know where to start and said it wasn’t what she wanted and it wouldn’t be meaningful to her. She wanted to do it off-camera. Jenn asked why he ended their engagement on the phone and then started following Maria on Instagram. She asked if their relationship meant anything to him. He made a face and then said that he couldn’t excuse the Instagram follow, and that he failed her. “Everything I felt for you was real,” he said. He said he needed time and space to process his emotions, but then went clubbing with Jeremy. He said he was there for a work trip, but then went out with Jeremy. “Am I not allowed to live a life?” he said.

Jesse reigned it in, and asked what happened? When he left the show he had a lot of doubts and he admitted that he suppressed his feelings. Jenn asked why he allowed her to keep falling for him for 2 months after the show. Devin said he couldn’t really explain further. “I was regretfully late on letting you know,” Devin said. Jenn couldn’t believe he was posting memes about Sam. She said that every Monday night she was heartbroken watching the lies that he told her.
After a commercial break, Devin said he just wanted to focus on the breakup and not after the break. Devin said he had nothing to gain other than to make sure that she was ok. Devin said that he watches Jenn grow and flourish and he said that he fell short of her expectations in the real world. This isn’t him trying to make her feel bad, Devin said he does care, but he was contributing to her regression. She shouldn’t have to compromise what she wants for him, Devin added. Jenn could hardly look at him.
Watching the Proposal
Jesse said, “I know that your love story didn’t unfold the way that you thought or expected it would, I’m truly sorry.” He added, “You also showed us what a strong and powerful woman is.” Who loves Jesse? Everyone! But then, Jesse was like can we watch the proposal together? “Do I have a choice?” Jenn said. This broke my heart. I don’t even want to watch this proposal. The little box in the corner of Jenn sitting next to the man who broke her heart, sobbing, is unnecessary. This footage should be burned. It would have been beautiful if it was true. Jenn had this moment stolen from her. She deserves the best. I wish this could have worked out for her so badly.

Jesse said that he hoped in watching it she could feel empowered because she really did things her own way. I think it would have been more empowering if they had honored her wishes to not have to see it. Jenn said that the man on the screen doesn’t exist anymore, but she’s still the same woman that she is. Right on! Jenn said that she’s ready to fight for love and to find the man who can keep the promises he makes to her. Devin said that he fully believed those things. Then he said some things about falling short of expectations and I really don’t understand this breakup. The bottom line, he basically fell out of love with her in the real world. She told Devin that she hopes that he can find himself in his self-journey one day.
Jesse tried to reassure her that her great love is still out there. I would say so! Then to try to uplift us, they teased that Joan’s season is coming up and there’s a chance she could end up with Kelsey’s dad, who was also in the audience.
Sneak Peek of Joan’s Journey
Jesse made a bad joke about keeping his promises with a sneak peek of Joan’s season of “The Golden Bachelorette.” We got to see Kelsey come out of the limo to talk to Joan, and then introduce her dad to her! Mark is a silver fox! I loved him on Joey’s season and I’m so glad to see him get his moment in the sun and make a possible love connection. He’s incredible! “He’s cute! Thank you! You can just call me mom!” Joan said to Kelsey! Adorable!
Joan said that she went on some amazing dates and that she’s really excited for everyone to see her season! I can’t wait!
You can watch the very first “Golden Bachelorette” on Wednesday, September 18 on ABC.
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