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I Can’t Stop Buying Nap Dresses—Good Thing They’ll Be In Style This Year, Too


Don’t take the name too literally, though. While you could theoretically wear a nap dress to bed, it’s not solely a nightgown. The idea is that these dresses can be slipped on without fuss, are comfortable and nonrestrictive, and can be worn without a bra. They blur the line between what you might wear to bed and what you might wear to a fancy brunch.

As someone who doesn’t get much sleep and certainly never takes a nap (I have a full-time job, a newborn, and a toddler!), I fully understand the soothing allure and escapism of nap dresses. Perhaps that’s why I can’t seem to get enough of them. Luckily for me, they’re sticking around this year, too, as we continue to see the nightgown-style dresses on Instagram and the runways.


Judith Jones

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