Self Help
How to Write Inspiring Guest Posts
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
Guest posts are a great way to build your brand, improve your SEO, and increase traffic to your site. They can also be an important part of your link building strategy if you’re trying to rank higher in the search engines. But there’s one thing that can ruin everything: bad guest posts! It’s easy for people who aren’t familiar with writing for online publications—or even professional writers who haven’t done it before—to make mistakes that will make editors cringe and readers skip right past their content.
Guest posts are an important part of your link building strategy. They can also be very useful in improving your SEO, so you want to get them right.
The first thing to think about when writing guest posts is what site and topic you want to write about. Is it a blog with a large audience? Is it high-quality and relevant content? Does the site have good domain authority (DA)? If the answer is yes, then this could be a great opportunity for you!
Once you’ve decided on the blog and topic, make sure that there’s enough research material available online and that there are no copyright issues around your chosen topic/title/image(s) etc.. You don’t want any legal problems later down the line!
Don’t forget about the readers.
The most important part of writing a guest post is not to forget about the reader. You might think that your interests are what matter most, but in reality, it’s all about them. Your readers are looking for something that will help them solve a problem or learn something new–and if you can provide them with that experience, they’ll be grateful!
That doesn’t mean that you should write your article purely from their point of view though; there are still some factors to consider when putting together your content:
- Who is reading this? What do they want from me? Why should I care about what they think? If we’re talking about an audience of entrepreneurs who run small businesses and need tips on how best manage their time or find new clients with limited resources available (which was our case), then we had better make sure those topics come up somewhere within our posts because no one wants advice on how “do great work” without knowing where exactly those skills come into play during everyday life as well…
Put yourself in their shoes.
When you’re writing a guest post, it’s important to put yourself in the shoes of the person who will be reading it.
- What makes a good guest post?
- What makes a bad one?
The difference between these two types of posts is simple: inspiration. A good guest post will inspire its audience and help them learn something new about their industry or field. A bad one will leave people feeling bored or uninterested–and probably won’t get shared very much on social media either!
There are three key elements of creating inspiring content: 1) make sure there’s real value in what you’re saying; 2) make sure it sounds authentic (don’t try too hard); 3) keep things fun!
Make it interesting.
The first step to writing an inspiring guest post is to choose an interesting topic. The best way to do this is by thinking about what your audience would want to read about, and why they would find it interesting. For example, if you are writing for a fitness blog, you could write about how exercise helped you overcome depression or anxiety; if you’re writing for an art website with a large female audience base , maybe consider sharing some tips on how women can find inspiration in their everyday lives through art materials.
Keep it simple.
The best guest posts are simple and clear. They’re not too simple, but they aren’t hard to understand either.
- Don’t use complicated language: There’s nothing wrong with using big words and impressive jargon when appropriate, but if you find yourself using a word or phrase that most of your readers will have never heard before (and have no idea what it means), then chances are that’s a sign that you’ve gone too far. If someone has to look up what you’re saying every other sentence, then their eyes will glaze over after just a few paragraphs and they’ll stop reading altogether–which defeats your purpose as an author!
- Don’t use buzzwords: Buzzwords are words like “innovative” or “cutting edge” because they sound cool but don’t really mean anything specific. Buzzwords should only be used sparingly–they should never dominate an article entirely!
Don’t be too self-promotional.
Most of the time, you’ll want to focus on the content and not yourself. You can promote yourself in a subtle way, but don’t overdo it–it’s not only tacky but also makes you look like a braggart who doesn’t care about what they’re writing about. For example: “I’m an expert in this field because I’ve been doing it for 10 years.” Or: “I’m sharing my tips with you because I know they’ll help you!”
We hope that this post has helped you understand how to write an inspiring guest post. It’s a great way to build your brand and improve your SEO, but only if you do it right!
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