Self Help
How to Manifest Money: 3 Inspiring Success Stories
Manifestation. Money. Both seem like an unlikely pair.
One is about aligning your energy with the universe to attract what you desire. The other, tangible wealth and financial transactions.
The idea of marrying both can seem a little far-fetched. But many people have used their thoughts and beliefs to directly influence their financial reality (you may recognize it as using the Law of Attraction for money).
That’s exactly what master manifester Regan Hillyer did, going from a mere $8 to millions in a year.
“I realized,” she shares at a stage talk at a Mindvalley event, “you can’t be in scarcity and abundance at the same time; you can’t be in contraction and expansion at the same time. You’ve got to choose.”
She’s not the only one, though. Many of her clients have done the same.
So if you’re looking at how to manifest money, learn the secrets behind Regan’s financial transformation so you, too, can have your own success story.
Can you manifest money?
Yes, manifestation can help bring in the flow of the dough. However, it’s more than just wishing, thinking, and—poof!—there it is. A lot of what manifesting is about has to do with your mindset and your feelings toward wealth.
Eighty percent, actually, according to Regan—that’s how much of manifestation is inner work. And interestingly, research shows that positive emotions can actually help increase your wealth over time. (Now, the other 20? That’s where the strategy and action come in.)
One of Regan’s students from her Mindvalley Quest, The Art of Manifesting, experienced this firsthand.
“Before this program, I had lots of blockages that I wasn’t aware of,” shares Anthoinette Okafor, a bank branch manager in Nigeria, on Mindvalley Stories. “But after the program, I [felt] light, I feel confident, very energetic. I manifested three times my monthly earning in a single month.”
She, along with others who know how to manifest money, understands this: it’s part mindset, part inspired action, and part trust in the universe for having our backs.
5 steps to manifest money, according to Mindvalley experts
“Manifestation,” says Regan, “is really taking something that is a dream, a vision, an intention, and allowing that to be embodied and anchored through you so that it physically shows up in your life.”
She would know having gone from $8 (to be exact, $8.70) to millions.
That transformation didn’t happen instantly, though. Regan hit rock bottom when she got evicted and realized she was trapped in a career that didn’t fulfill her and living a life that felt meaningless.
Instead of surrendering, she dove deep into manifestation. She learned the techniques to reprogram her mindset to align with her true desires.
Now, if she can do that, what’s stopping you from opening that vault of abundance wide open?
So, if you want to know how to manifest money into your life, here are five to take with tips from some of Mindvalley’s money-manifesting experts.
1. Create a vision of that financial future you want
Those who are in the know, like Regan, know that attracting money isn’t just about saying, “I want to be rich.” Instead, it’s really about envisioning specific details of what your wealth looks like and how it impacts your life.
For instance, think of what kind of house you want to live in, the lifestyle you want to enjoy, and the contributions you want to make to the world. (Alternatively, you can manifest money using a vision board—sometimes, seeing your goals and desires in front of you can help solidify your intentions and keep you focused.)
Doing so can help create a powerful mental image that your mind can work towards. As Regan says, “If you’re not clear on your vision and why you want it and where you’re actually going, then you don’t have containers for the money to flow into.”
So make your money visualization clear. Make it specific. And make it easier for the universe to deliver the opportunities and resources you need to get there.
2. Embody that mindset and behaviors as if they’re already happening
You’ve likely heard the saying, “Fake it till you make it,” right? Well, this follows the same concept.
Adopt the money mindset and behaviors of a wealthy person. This doesn’t mean going out and buying yourself a million-dollar house or even the latest mobile phone when you’ve got less than 10 bucks in your bank account.
Instead, it’s about “being” over “having.” Simply put, shift your daily habits, thoughts, and attitudes to reflect the wealthier version of yourself.
For Regan, she started asking herself how the millionaire version of herself would think and act. How would they start their day? What kind of choices do they make? Do they worry about small expenses? Or do they focus on creating value?
It’s essentially the Law of Resonance in action—when you resonate a particular frequency (in this case, the feelings of abundance), you’ll attract experiences, people, and circumstances that match that frequency.
So, okay, maybe it’s not “fake it till you make it.” Maybe it’s more like “resonate it till you make it.”
3. Shift your level of tolerance
“Everyone has big dreams,” Regan points out. “The problem is not ‘can you dream enough?’ The problem is, ‘What are you actually tolerating?’”
These are all the things you’ve settled for in your life. Like a job that underpays you or living conditions that are less than ideal.
So, identify areas of your life where you’ve allowed mediocrity. Then, make the conscious decision to raise your standards to an abundance mindset and not accept anything less than.
It doesn’t have to be major shifts; even small ones will do. This is exactly what Naomi Zahava Abrams, a Mindvalley member from Florida, United States, did.
“I let my mind stop obsessing about a pending financial gain that is on the way, and realized that in this moment and in this situation, I am actually doing okay,” she shares on Mindvalley Stories. “Things aren’t as bleak as I thought. And they are only getting better.”
And if this small shift in her tolerance level helped her land a profitable, sustainable gig, imagine what it can do for you.
4. Release toxic money blocks
“What blocks the money flow in your life?” poses Ken Honda, the author of best-selling Happy Money and trainer of Mindvalley’s Money EQ Quest.
He goes on to explain that money comes in and goes out without any resistance. However, there are things we do that create “money wounds,” which are deep-seated emotional pains or negative beliefs around money.
For instance, you fear that you’ll run out of money… Or you were taught that money is evil… Or that you don’t deserve to be wealthy…
“Money can be your friend, but since we’re so afraid of money, we try to run away and hide or try to control it,” says Ken. “Either way, we lose peace of mind.”
That’s why it’s important to identify what’s blocking money from flowing into your life and then let them go.
Additionally, replacing your money wounds with money affirmations to manifest wealth can help shift your mindset. So instead of “I’m not good with money,” tell yourself, “I’m learning to manage wisely and confidently.”
And like unclogging a blocked pipe, when you release your toxic money blocks, you allow a healthier flow for greater financial abundance.
5. Arigato all the way
It’s no secret that expressing gratitude can lead to happiness. And adopting this attitude, wealth-wise, can create a positive flow of energy around money, which then can help attract even more abundance.
It’s a technique Ken calls “Arigato In, Arigato Out.” And it’s simple, really. Here’s how it works:
- Arigato in. You say “arigato” (which is “thank you” in Japanese) when money—whether it’s a paycheck, a gift, or even a small amount of change—comes into your life. By doing so, you acknowledge the abundance coming into your life. This positive energy also reinforces the idea that you’re open to receiving more.
- Arigato out. When you spend money—whether it’s paying bills, buying groceries, or even paying taxes—you also say “arigato.” This helps release any negative feelings of loss or scarcity. What’s more, it reminds you that spending money allows you to enjoy the necessities of life, like electricity, eating, and contributing to the economy.
Forming this habit can absolutely transform your relationship with money. And it makes it a whole lot easier to attract and manifest financial prosperity.
3 inspiring success stories on manifesting money
Regan’s story from $8 to millions is just one of many success stories of how to manifest money. There are others, too.
Let’s explore a few more for you to get inspired by:
1. “I was able to manifest the money that I had set as a goal at the beginning of the Quest”
Vons Johnston, an acute care nurse practitioner from Staunton, U.S.A., has gone through Regan’s The Art of Manifesting Quest twice.
Her first experience allowed her to reconnect with the deep sense of purpose she had once known. This led her to launch a new business, author two children’s books, and complete a long-overdue manuscript.
Her second time around, she gained a deeper understanding of herself—where she’s been and where she’s going.
“I was able to manifest the money I had set as a goal at the beginning of the Quest,” she shares. “I am finding that my lifestyle is aligning with the higher version of myself. This includes my diet, physical activity, and my social life.”
Vonda’s story is a testament to how effective manifestation can be in attracting money. And not only that, using techniques taught by Regan also helped her achieve significant personal growth and alignment with her true self.
2. “My family’s net income unexpectedly increased while I was taking the Quest”
Like many of us, Raheem Kassam, a financial risk analyst from Toronto, Canada, believed success was solely the result of hard work, long hours, and a bit of luck.
His mantra, “1% inspiration and 99% perspiration,” guided this life. However, “trying to achieve success with this mindset,” he recollects, “was exhausting, frustrating and unsustainable.”
Everything changed when Rahim started focusing on his inner world to achieve external success. It was this shift in perspective that helped him cultivate the feeling of already having what he desired could significantly accelerate the manifestation process.
“My family’s net income unexpectedly increased while I was taking [Regan’s Mindvalley Quest], and have discovered a path to manifest greater abundance in the year to come,” he says. “But perhaps the biggest shift I experienced during this Quest now knowing that I am worthy and deserving of abundance.”
3. “I finally manifested the car I was intending since many months!”
Wealth doesn’t necessarily mean money—it can also mean living a life filled with the things you truly desire. For Aslı Eti, an author from Istanbul, Turkey, this was her dream car.
“I finally manifested the car I was intending since many months!” she explains. “The car was set and would be delivered the next day. That night I intended to upgrade the car that was agreed on, did the sleep meditation with this specific intention, the next morning another car, the upgraded one was delivered to me. Pure magic!”
Beyond the magic of everyday manifestations, Aslı experienced deep, transformative shifts that aligned her with her true self. Regan’s techniques provided her with an upgraded mindset, a higher belief system, and real, tangible results.
BONUS: How to manifest money FAST
Life is no I Dream of Jeannie where you give a nod of your head and money appears. Remember: a huge part of manifestation is about your mindset.
The way you think and feel about time, for instance, plays a crucial role in how quickly your desires manifest. And one way Regan advises to speed up the process is through time bending.
“Time bending is a very specific set of skills that anyone can access and utilize in order to manifest their wildest dreams and have what they desire come into their life even faster than they expect,” she says.
How does that work? Here are a few things she highlights:
- Firstly, pay attention to how you experience time. Keep a time perception journal to be more aware of how time feels—does it feel rushed or draggy?
- Next, practice slow-motion training. This is where you intentionally slow down by simply becoming fully aware of your surroundings.
- Finally, visualize yourself as someone who can compress and expand time at will. This makes room for your manifestations to come to life quickly.
As Regan points out, “Time bending is about remembering that either time is altering you or you are altering time, so you get to choose.”
Watch more to get a fuller sense of how this works:
Expand your consciousness
Manifestion and money can seem like an unlikely pair…kind of like Jeannie and Major Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie. One’s free-spirited (much like manifestation) and the other is straight-laced (much like money); yet, together, they created the most fun and dynamic pairing.
Like Jeannie and Major Nelson, using manifestation to attract money can bring incredible results when you learn how to make them work together. And you can start with Regan Hillyer’s Mastering Manifestation for Transformation & Success Masterclass—FREE at Mindvalley.
In this powerful session may only take 30 minutes of your life, but the tools and mindset shifts you’ll gain? Man, those will help you change your annual income into monthly paychecks, start successful businesses, live your dream life, or whatever it is you desire.
“Too many people never get what they desire in their lives because they never actually claim what they want, they never actually get clear on what they’re asking for,” says Regan.
Don’t be like “too many people.” Don’t hesitate to start learning how to manifest money. And definitely don’t wait for change—instead, create it.
Welcome in.
Tatiana Azman
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