Video Gaming
How to get a broom in Hogwarts Legacy
The world outside of Hogwarts is huge, so you’ll definitely to get a broom in Hogwarts Legacy.
Although quidditch was banned by Headmaster Black, you can still fly wherever you want. Unfortunately, you don’t start out with a broom when you arrive, but you’ll unlock one fairly early on.
Read on to learn when you get a broom in Hogwarts Legacy, whether there is such a thing as the best broom (spoilers: there is not) and a list of all brooms and where to buy them.
How to get a broom in Hogwarts Legacy
To get a broom in Hogwarts Legacy, you need to complete the main story quest “Flying Class.” If you were to only complete main story line quests, you would find these quests fairly early on — meaning it’s possible to get your first broom in your first few hours of playing.
Hogwarts Legacy brooms list, and is there a ‘best’ broom?
There are a total of 13 brooms in Hogwarts Legacy, and all of them have the same speed. None are faster than the others; the only difference you’ll find between brooms is a matter of appearance. Other than that, there are no differences between brooms in Hogwarts Legacy – meaning there is no one ‘best’ broom.
To see what all of the brooms look like, check out the gallery below. If you’re searching for where you can unlock the brooms and how much those brooms cost, read on to the next section.
Where to buy brooms in Hogwarts Legacy
You can unlock brooms by purchasing them from a vendor or by popping balloons while riding your broom. Some vendors have prerequisite quests that you must complete before purchasing their brooms:
- Arn: Complete the side quest “Carted Away” and the main quest “Flight Test”
- Leopold Babcocke, Priya Treadwell, Rohan Prakash: Complete the main quest “Flight Test”
Check out the gallery and table below to see how to unlock all of the brooms and how much they cost.
All of the brooms in Hogwarts Legacy
Broom Name | How to unlock | Cost |
Broom Name | How to unlock | Cost |
Aeromancer | Purchased from Rohan Prakash | 3,000 gold galleons |
Bright Spark | Pop balloons challenge | Pop 32 sets of balloons |
Ember Dash | Purchased at Spintwitches Sporting Needs | 600 gold galleons |
Family Antique | Purchased from Pryia Treadwell | 2,500 gold galleons |
Hogwarts House | Purchased at Spintwitches Sporting Needs | 600 gold galleons |
Lickety Swift | Pop balloons challenge | Pop 7 sets of balloons |
Moon Trimmer | Purchased at Spintwitches Sporting Needs | 600 gold galleons |
Night Dancer | Pop balloons challenge | Pop 2 sets of balloons |
Silver Arrow | Purchased from Arn | 5,000 gold galleons |
Sky Scythe | Purchased from Leopold Babcocke | 5,000 gold galleons |
Wild Fire | Pop balloons challenge | Pop 17 sets of balloons |
Wind Wisp | Purchased at Spintwitches Sporting Needs | 600 gold galleons |
Yew Weaver | Purchased at Spintwitches Sporting Needs | 600 gold galleons |
How do I upgrade my broom in Hogwarts Legacy?
After you purchase a broom for the first time, you’ll start a series of side quests given by Albie Weekes at Spintwitches Sporting Needs, which can be found in Hogsmeade. In these side quests, you’ll test your broom upgrades against Imelda Reyes, a Slytherin student, in a series of time trials. To easily beat Imelda’s times, make sure to fly through the golden bubbles as you progress through the race. These bubbles will refill your boost meter and increase your speed for a short period of time.
After you complete the time trials, return to Albie Weekes, and he’ll begin working on the next broom upgrade. You’ll need to complete three time trials to unlock the ability to purchase the three broom upgrades. These upgrades will increase the speed for every broom you own, not just the one that you have equipped. Check out the table below to see when you can upgrade your broom, and how much it costs to upgrade it.
Broom Upgrades at Spintwitches Sporting Needs
Upgrade | Quest name | Cost |
Upgrade | Quest name | Cost |
First upgrade | Sweeping the Competition | 1,000 gold galleons |
Second upgrade | The Sky is the Limit | 4,000 gold galleons |
Third upgrade | After The Sky is the Limit | 7,500 gold galleons |
Johnny Yu
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