Current frustrations could make it complicated to see the way through. Solving problems may feel particularly challenging under intellectual Mercury’s clash with wounded healer Chiron in Aries, and emotional blocks can make it hard to discern fact from feeling. Ambitious Mars struggles with unfocused Neptune at 11:48 am EDT, only adding to the distractions and irritations — jumping to conclusions will invite regrets! Finally, the Moon moves into sensitive Pisces, helping us to slow down and ground ourselves. Take a deep breath.

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March 21-April 19

You may want to follow your own path rather than tradition. Your family or an authority figure in your life could be setting a course for your life that doesn’t resonate with you, and you’re likely not sure whether you should obey their expertise and advice or follow your own heart. It can be difficult to sort out your feelings now, and making decisions may not be a good idea when you feel so torn between two directions. Give yourself space to decide.

April 20-May 20

Fog could be clouding your mind. A lack of clarity might have you walking around in a haze of exhaustion or confusion — even something as simple as a lack of patience can have you unintentionally setting up surprises for your future self. Watch out for potentially lashing out at others because of perceived slights against you, since you might feel like you have to stick up for yourself when it’s not necessary. Be slow to anger until you know what’s genuinely been said.

May 21-June 20

The opinions of others can cloud your judgment. You might not feel like you’re on solid ground right now, as you’re having to make decisions while you’re in a group, and they’re all chiming in with their two cents on the situation. While you’re listening to everybody else, you’re in danger of forgetting to listen to your own input into what’s being said, which can lead you to feel left out after everything’s been decided. Make sure that you’re a part of the conversation!

June 21-July 22

Authority figures may push you to do something that you don’t want to do. You might feel indignant after someone has commanded you to do something without giving you a say in the matter. Parents could ask you to drive your sibling somewhere when you weren’t expecting to, or your boss may assign you a task beyond your pay grade. Sometimes getting bossed around is inevitable, but you can handle it with grace and patience. Afterward, you deserve to do something special for yourself!

July 23-August 22

Your present path could be blocked. Whether you’re physically traveling from one place to another or trying to make strides in your career or studies, you might be stymied by an unforeseen obstacle. It’s possible that fatigue is damaging your ability to retain information or meet your work standards — your plane can’t take off if you aren’t there piloting it! No matter what is blocking your path, it doesn’t mean that you won’t eventually make it to your destination. Don’t give up.

August 23-September 22

You can make an urgent decision on your own. No matter how much other people have to say about it, a choice that could alter your life has effects that likely only you will have to live with, making their advice anything from difficult to impossible to take. You’d be wise to shut out the noise and find a place where you can sit with your thoughts and think through the different outcomes without any voices in your ear. Center yourself to avoid future regrets.

September 23-October 22

Lack of input could be making you feel small. It hurts when a peer isn’t listening or even actively rejects what you have to say! Whether you’re right or wrong, you’re allowed to feel saddened by being excluded from a conversation. However, unless the outcome of a debate between others is actively going to affect you in the future, it’s likely that you’re able to step away from this conversation and find your peace elsewhere. Not every weight has to be on your shoulders.

October 23-November 21

Your personal feelings could block your understanding. It’s possible that you’re afraid of starting something new after being emotionally wounded — or you might be slow to trust someone since your trust was broken at some point in the past. It can be difficult to get over emotional hurdles that are in the way of your healing process, even more than physical obstacles sometimes. Remember that you’re worth trying again, and every failure on the way to your eventual success is just a lesson.

November 22-December 21

Drama may seemingly trap you at any moment! You might feel as though you have to give someone the same intense emotional energy that they’re coming at you with, and this back-and-forth is exhausting, no matter who’s really in the wrong. Consider the benefits of agreeing to disagree in order to stop the chaos and give both of you the freedom to take your own paths in life. Some people want to remain in the problem, but you don’t have to join them.

December 22-January 19

Sentimentality may cause you to see someone in a different light. You could be recalling the good times that you had together and purposefully forgetting the bad days — the ones that plausibly led you to give this person some space. Seeing them again or even simply thinking about them can lead you to wonder if you should let them back into your life after a while apart, but that might not be a good idea. Forgiveness is golden, but not everyone deserves your energy.

January 20-February 18

Talking about a problem and actually solving a problem are two different things. You may have a lot of energy at present to discuss an issue that you’ve been experiencing, and others might be indulging you and letting you rant. That said, if you put no energy into solving the problem, they could tire of listening. In particular, if this is a problem that you’ve had for a long time, going around in circles with it can be exhausting! Start hunting for a real solution.

February 19-March 20

Your feelings of insecurity may now be holding you back. Even if other people have told you that you can’t follow your dreams, they’re likely not in the room where the opinions matter! Look for those who are supporting you from the sidelines, since loved ones who would support you, rain or shine, should be far from the naysayers who told you that it was impossible. Go ahead and make your pitch to discover who else is interested in what you have to give.

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