[ad_1] NIGELLA Love in a mist (Devil in the bush) (Lady-in-the-green) (Fennel flower) (Jack- in-the-bush) (Named from Latin for little black, alluding to the seeds) The...
[ad_1] REHMANNIA (Named for Joseph Rehmann, physician of Petrograd) Rehmannias are seldom seen in neither gardens nor even in catalogs and yet they are lovely, long,...
[ad_1] RESEDA – Mignonette (Latin name Reseda means “to calm or appease,” and refers to the fact that the plant was employed by the Romans in...
[ad_1] PHLOX – Texas pride (Name from Greek for a flame, perhaps first applied to another plant) The brilliance and clean colors of the annual Phlox,...
[ad_1] OENOTHERA, Evening primrose, Sundrops There are many biennial and perennial Oenotheras but several are rather popular annuals. Oenothera drummondi. Drummond Evening-primrose. This annual, 1 to...
[ad_1] Sanvitalia procumbens flowers are much like tiny Zinnias, being golden yellow with very dark purple centers, some of them single and others double. The plants...
[ad_1] LUPINUS Lupine (From lupus-wolf, destroying soil as does the wolf) Lupines are attractive plants bearing Pea like flowers in whorls upon long, graceful spikes. There...
[ad_1] IONOPSIDIUM – Diamond flower(Carpet plant)(Violet cress) (From io-the violet; violet-like, referring to the color of the flowers) Related to Candytuft, lonopsidium acaule is one of...
[ad_1] The flowers of this plant are a delight to those who admire extreme grace, dainty markings, and fantastic forms. Many flowers have been compared by...
[ad_1] Not all annuals can just be planted in the soil and hope for the best. Most annuals have a special purpose and function in the...
[ad_1] NICOTIANA Flowering Tobacco (Named for Jean Nicot, French consul to Portugal, who first presented tobacco to the courts of Portugal and France) The evening fragrance...
[ad_1] ANNUALS WHICH BENEFIT FROM PINCHING To encourage plants to fill out, the growth bud should be pinched at the end of the stem. For bedding...
[ad_1] ARTEMISIA Wormwood (Named for Artemisia, the wife of the mythological Mausolus) One species of Artemisia, A. sacrorum, is annual. It is also called Russian Wormwood...
[ad_1] GODETIA Satin flower (Named for C. H. Godet, Swiss botanist) Closely related to the Evening primroses, the Godetias are deserving of greater attention. The flowers...
[ad_1] When Shakespeare mentioned the Marygold he meant Calendula officinalis, which for wealth of bloom, is without a rival. As the plants self-sow, many persons have...
[ad_1] Provided is a list of annuals and perennials that grow well in very poor soil. If addtional infromation is required about the plant, please use...
[ad_1] CYNOGLOSSUM Houndstongue (From Greek cuon-dog; glossa-tongue, refers to papillae on seeds, which gives the texture of a tongue) Recently a lovely blue Forget-me-not-like flower has...
[ad_1] Raising plants from seed is a most economical means of providing a long-lasting display for the cool greenhouse. Where a minimum night temperature of about...
[ad_1] There are some annuals with showy fruits and among them none is so much admired as the Chinese Lantern plant, which produces large, inflated, orange-red,...
[ad_1] DIASCIA (From the Greek to adorn, refers to the beautiful flowers) A dainty, little annual, Diascia barberae, is not a very showy flower, but one...