[ad_1] There are some annuals with showy fruits and among them none is so much admired as the Chinese Lantern plant, which produces large, inflated, orange-red,...
[ad_1] DIASCIA (From the Greek to adorn, refers to the beautiful flowers) A dainty, little annual, Diascia barberae, is not a very showy flower, but one...
[ad_1] LAVATERA – Treemallow (Annual-mallow) (Named for the Lavater brothers, botanists of Switzerland) The name Mallow is applied to a number of plants of various habits,...
[ad_1] GAILLARDIA – Blanket flower (Named for M. Gaillard, a French patron of Botany) The bright, sunset colors of the Blanketflower are an asset in any...
[ad_1] Annual gardening plants classed as annuals are those which complete their life cycle within the space of one year and in this group, we find...
[ad_1] These small, dainty plants from California are of a spreading habit and the leaves are pale green, deeply cut and slightly hairy. In Nemophila menziesi...
[ad_1] PORTULACA (Rosemoss) (Sunplant) (Seven-sisters) When one visits an old lady’s flower garden, no matter how small it may be, Portulacas are generally seen encroaching on...
[ad_1] LINUM Flowering Flax (From linon, flax) There are several annual Flaxes, including Linum grandiflorum (coccineum), the Scarlet Flax, about a foot tall, with wide-open, glossy...
[ad_1] CHRYSANTHEMUM, ANNUAL (French Marguerite) (Crowndaisy) (Name derived from chrysos, golden; anthos flower, refers to fact that some species are yellow) The Annual Chrysanthemums are popular...
[ad_1] Notes on Annual Plant Descriptions Detail information addressing 50 types of annuals and how to use them in your garden. Did you know some annuals...
[ad_1] EMILIA (Cacalia) – Tassel flower (Floras-paintbrush) This brilliant orange and scarlet, rarely yellow, flowered annual is worthy of a place in any garden. It is...
[ad_1] Reminding one of a small, symmetrical evergreen, the Summer cypress is commonly seen in gardens. The plants grow quickly and make an upright, compact growth,...
[ad_1] GYPSOPHILA Babysbreath (Name derived from gupsos, gypsum; phileo, to love, meaning that it prefers limestone soil) This is one of the smallest, daintiest flowers of...
[ad_1] SILENE – Catchfly (From the Greek for saliva, referring to the stickiness of the stems of some species) The Sweet-William Catchfly, Silene armeria, is a...
[ad_1] The long stems and tufted flowers of the annual Scabiosa (S. atropurpurea) are charming. The colors also are pleasing in all cases white, light pink,...
[ad_1] PERILLA Perilla is mentioned here because in years past it was a great favorite as a foliage plant. The leaves are dark purple and have...
[ad_1] Whoever has grown a few of the various Celosias has surely been charmed either by their beauty or their fantasy of form. Celosias are sometimes...
[ad_1] LAYIA Tidytips (Named for Thomas Lay, naturalist) A California Daisy-like annual, Layia elegans, has yellow flowers with the rays often white-tipped. The plants are more...
[ad_1] The Annual Delphinium is one of the best-known annuals, bearing long racemes of lovely colored flowers and lacy foliage. They have undergone great improvement in...
[ad_1] ARCTOTIS Bushy Arctotis (Blue-eyed-African-daisy) (Name derived from arklos-a bear, ous-an ear; refers to shaggy fruit) The lovely daisylike flowers of Arclolis grandis are useful for...