[ad_1] This is a friendly reminder to read our rules. Memes, social media, hate-speech, and pornography are not allowed. Screenshots of Reddit are expressly forbidden, as...
[ad_1] Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news, even that about the Tubi streamer service, doesn’t need to be complicated...
[ad_1] Dispatches from SNN (Slobovian News Network) The world’s most renowned sensitivity expert states that everything ever written is offensive to someone. On the heels of...
[ad_1] The infamous AI program ChatGPT has been given various ethical safeguards to prevent it from answering inflammatory, dangerous, or otherwise inappropriate questions. Here are questions...
[ad_1] Sandra, still at InitAg, has to work with Brad. Some time ago, Brad was assigned a slew of front-end development tasks, since he’s a web...
[ad_1] CHICAGO – (Satire News) – The Hasbroken Toy Company has just reported that they manufactured 45 Dick Alexander Murdaugh Bobblehead dolls and according to retail...
[ad_1] WALTERBORO, South Carolina – (Satire News) – In a highly publicized trail, Dick Alexander Murdaugh, who looks like he could be Trump’s illegitimate cousin Niles...
[ad_1] Tags: anime, japan 1191 points, 138 comments. [ad_2] Source link
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[ad_1] And 9 other pie-in-the-sky promises from Donald Trump at CPAC! Donald Trump at CPAC gave the closing speech, saying ‘this is my final battle’ &...
[ad_1] It’s easy to get stuck in our ruts in the age of the internet, losing our wanderlust. An old friend, former diplomat and world traveler,...
[ad_1] Tags: awesome 6885 points, 308 comments. [ad_2] Source link
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[ad_1] submitted by /u/Utsav44 [comments] [ad_2] /u/Utsav44 Source link
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[ad_1] Tags: funny, pokemon, wtf 5694 points, 347 comments. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] {0 Comments} Do you really think that pigeons are pooping on your car by accident? Don’t be naive. They hate you so much that they’re...
[ad_1] This is a friendly reminder to read our rules. Memes, social media, hate-speech, and pornography are not allowed. Screenshots of Reddit are expressly forbidden, as...