[ad_1] Hurray! SCOTUS has ruled to forestall the scurrilous influx of so-called minority rights into our society. By Llib Epot, Conservative Capital Correspondent At last! The...
[ad_1] John Deering is chief editorial cartoonist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state’s largest newspaper. Five times a week, his cartoon comments entertain (or sometimes enrage) readers...
[ad_1] {0 Comments} Kinda funny when you spin this around and use the same logic on the employer, isn’t it? Someone should try this in an...
[ad_1] Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a long history of making problematic remarks and hawking conspiracy theories. The Onion examines some of his most controversial statements....
[ad_1] Are you looking for a completely unhinged t-shirt to proudly show how absolutely crazy you are? You should check out @CursedShirts Instagram account for inspiration....
[ad_1] Today’s an interesting case of code that seems perfectly reasonable at first glance. Sent to us from FinalGuy, this Java code caused no end of...
[ad_1] {0 Comments} Cats vs. dogs: which pet is more useful? It depends. If you value the opportunity to watch an animal filling a box with...
[ad_1] [ad_2] Jacob Source link
[ad_1] Go to funny r/funny r/funny Reddit’s largest humor depository Members Online • by BlueAndDog “Of course I know what a shark looks like!” -The baker...
[ad_1] {2 Comments} Have you ever wanted to open a hotel, or maybe just start an Airbnb business? Being helpful is essential. Your customers will greatly...
[ad_1] “I nicknamed this photo “The Stare” because of my aunt’s look of “a deer caught in the headlights.” It’s obvious that she is not reacting...
[ad_1] “My daughter was crying for the entire photo shoot and just when I thought we would get a normal picture…” (submitted by IG @krissybu21) The...
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[ad_1] Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Constitution received two amazing honors in 2006, winning both a Pulitzer Prize and the Reuben award for Outstanding Cartoonist of...
[ad_1] [ad_2] Rick Source link
[ad_1] Many years ago, Westie's employer got hired to help a client rebuild their tax advice website. The current version was… not in good shape, didn't...
[ad_1] “Yeah, this is supposed to be a family photo, but let’s be honest: the real star is my brother’s ginormous, outrageously over-teased hair.” (submitted by Laura)...
[ad_1] “David Fielding” was only paid $150 to play Zordon in 1993’s Power Rangers. He shared that he only showed up to work one day at...
[ad_1] [ad_2] Bob Source link
[ad_1] John Deering is chief editorial cartoonist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state’s largest newspaper. Five times a week, his cartoon comments entertain (or sometimes enrage) readers...