[ad_1] A new study by researchers at Tufts University and the Cleveland Clinic and published in the American Heart Association journal Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology...
[ad_1] A new study by researchers at Tufts University and the Cleveland Clinic and published in the American Heart Association journal Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology...
[ad_1] There have been at least eight randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of ginger for pain. You may recall that I’ve previously explored the use of spinach...
[ad_1] Introduction When nutritional research is dominated by epidemiology, controlled trials are welcome and always worth reviewing. This week’s note is the latest dietary trial involving...
[ad_1] It’s the middle of Winter and you feel a little stuck in a rut. Comfort food has become regular and things have started to snowball....
[ad_1] Looking for a delicious veggie filled meal that is SUPER easy to make, won’t make a big mess in the kitchen and taste finger licking...
[ad_1] Addyi (flibanserin), the drug marketed for “hypoactive sexual desire disorder,” is ineffective and unsafe. What about dietary approaches for female sexual dysfunction? “The creation and...
[ad_1] From a case report to a randomized controlled trial, aloe is put to the test against cancer. For a half century, aloe vera “gel processors...
[ad_1] Edamame is soy in its most whole-food form. The pods containing young soybeans are a snack or starter, first popularized in East Asia. Soybeans naturally...
[ad_1] Summer salad: Butter lettuce, chopped celery, toasted chopped pecans, sliced peaches, chopped scallions, chopped avocado and a simple olive oil, lemon, S+P vinaigrette. Grilled peaches:...
[ad_1] Easy recipes for the hottest summer nights. It’s HOT outside! Keep the oven off and your dinnertime chill with these doable and delicious healthy no-cook...
[ad_1] We rarely talk about this aspect of nutrition therapy. But I believe that our bodies talk and it’s my job to listen and suggest foods...
[ad_1] What are the effects of aloe on radiation burns caused by cancer treatment and on the cancer itself? “Worldwide attention was drawn to the possible...
[ad_1] Look at my 6-layered açaí bowl, incredible! There are six different bases to choose from which you can mix & match. Including their coconut milk-based soft serve....
[ad_1] How effective is chemotherapy for colon, lung, breast, and prostate cancers? “Over the last several decades…medicine has waged a major war against cancer, concentrating on...
[ad_1] A half-teaspoon a day of brewer’s yeast is put to the test in a randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial. In 1854, a case report was...
[ad_1] Does Tea Tree Oil Work for Nail Fungus? Tea tree essential oil is pitted against the antifungal cream lotrimin for the treatment of fungal nail...
[ad_1] ON VACATION It seems we are all back to summer vacations, visiting family, adventuring to the mountains, the beach, or further. I get a lot...
[ad_1] Are the effects of tea tree oil anti-fungal or merely anti-inflammatory? Our entire understanding of the cause of dandruff shifted with a landmark article published...
[ad_1] I don’t know about you but eating vegetables during the cooler months of the year can be more of a challenge in comparison to summer...