Boomer And Gen Z Consume Marijuana For Similar Reasons
Cannabis has become popular for every adult age group- but the surprise is Gen Z and Boomers are using it for similar reasons.
Cannabis is fully legal to over 50% of the population and all groups are embracing its use. Proven healthier than alcohol, it has become much more common in all sets. Even Florida looks like it is going to vote for recreational cannabis. Long stigmatized as a way to get high, be lazy and lay about on the couch, it turns out it is become part of every day life…and part of a health regime. An example of how it is being used, Boomer and Gen Z consume marijuana for similar reasons.
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It is become so accepted, AARP did a study about use among Boomers. AARP is the largest print magazine with 38 million readers…and their bulletin has 33 million. A huge validator for the demographic. It also shows they are more open to more mainstream cannabis. This falls in line by the positions of the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians.
The AARP study revealed 21 percent ages 50-plus used some form of cannabis — be it food, drink, flower or another type— at least once in the last year, a report from the University of Michigan’s National Poll on Healthy Aging found. That’s up from 1 in 8 (12 percent) in 2021. In 2015 and 2016, roughly 3 percent of adults 65 and older used cannabis, according to research published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Roughly 68% of poll respondents who used cannabis products did so for help with sleep, the researchers found. Many also cited pain relief (63 percent), mental health, anxiety, and mood (53 percent) and relaxation (81 percent) as reasons for using cannabis.
What is interesting is Gen Z, the youngest adult generation, Gen Z, is an also a big fan of marijuana. They helped fuel the California Sober trend where you reduce or stop drinking and use weed instead. One reason Gen Z has embraced weed is it helps with anxiety and mood. They also use it for relaxation, way more so than other generation who tend to lean into alcohol.
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What is interesting is some Boomers and Gen X are consume marijuana in a more traditional way by smoking. Gen X and Boomers new to consuming tend to vape and use gummies. The later two are more “on the go” and discreet and doesn’t have the smell. It is interesting the marijuana is bonding together two generations.
Amy Hansen
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