Best Types of Marijuana To Help Be More Optimistic
Everyone has a stress and anxiety, but optimists tend to see things somewhat differently. Optimism tends to help us be happy more often and can help with health. Optimism can protect against depression even if there is a history. An optimistic outlook makes people more resistant to stress. Optimism may even help people live longer.
Studies show 18- to 34-year-olds saying their average stress level is a 6 out of 10, compared with a 3.4 among people ages 65 and older. So a little help can be useful. Here are the best types of marijuana to help be more optimistic and hopefully have a healthier, happy mindset.
Consuming marijuana can be done by smoking, vaping or eating via gummies or other edibles. You can also use creams, oils and tinctures…but also start slow with dosage until you get to the right spot.
Lamb’s Bread
Also known as Lamb’s Breath (ew), this sativa strain gives huge amounts of energy and positive introspection, allowing you to chill out and feel the stress slip away. This strain is popular amongst people who suffer from depression and rumour has it that even Bob Marley was a fan of it.
Alien Sour Apple
This type of marijuana gets its name from its sweet and sour flavor, which is similar to that of a Granny Smith green apple. It will leave you feeling energized, with a positive and bright euphoria.
RELATED: 8 Ways to Enjoy Marijuana Without Smoking It
Light Of Jah
This marijuana hybrid is sativa dominant and, as such, affects your creativity and uplifts your positive mood. Light Of Jah’s flavor is the perfect mix between fruity and spicy.
Alpha Cow
This strain smells incredible, like a perfect mix of blueberry and sweet toffee. This sativa blend gives you a calming high leaving you with mellow cerebral sensations making you feel uplifted and happy.
Mixing strong flavors like sweet citrus and earthiness, this strain clears your head and brightens your mood, perfect for stimulating your creativity and giving you a super positive mindset. It’s also popular amongst patients that suffer from pain and depression.
This strain allows you to focus on your work or whatever it is you’re doing without any haziness, allowing you to be productive, brightening your mood and keeping your brain in top form.
NY Cheese
This smelly strain is great for consuming during the day time, giving you a spark of energy that will have you feeling creative, social and just flat out amazing.
Papa’s OG
This type of marijuana gives you positive cerebral effects while also relaxing your body, offering you the best of both worlds whenever you’re looking for some time to relax.
Blue Wreck
Contrary to its name, this strain gives you a positive attitude for your day while at the same time maintaining an active and clear head.
RELATED: Herbal Bliss: 10 Perfect Moments To Smoke Marijuana
Mission Kush
This type of marijuana is perfect for long conversations, mood elevations and productivity. Whenever you’re feeling like you’re not in your best mood, Mission Kush is there to right that wrong.
Hopefully, the best types of marijuana to help be more optimistic will help you reframe situation and bring some lightness to your life.
Anthony Washington
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