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‘Bed rotting’ is the latest TikTok wellness trend, but is it self-care or self-deprecation?


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Sometimes it could be personal circumstances like breakups or grieving, but it’s also important to note that there could be more physiological issues at hand. “There are people just realising that they have a thyroid issue and some people have chronic health issues that are affecting them this way. Issues with hormones in their bodies, gut issues that affect energy… people that are injured – that makes it really hard to be mobile and get up and out of bed,” Raven adds.

For those reasons and beyond, it’s important to seek professional help if you find yourself bed rotting too often – so you can find the true root cause.

What are the effects of bed rotting?

While bed rotting may provide temporary escapism, it comes with its own set of pros and cons. On one hand, it offers a chance to unwind and recharge, allowing you to prioritise self-care and promote some sort of sense of relaxation.

However, prolonged bed rotting can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, potentially impacting your physical health by contributing to issues such as muscular atrophy, poor posture, and disrupted sleep patterns. Additionally, excessive screen time and unhealthy eating habits can further exacerbate the negative effects of bed rotting on your overall well-being.

“So of course we know from psychology that having plenty of rest is very good for your mental health, and having plenty of sleep is fundamental for your mental health and also to recharge your batteries. However, multiple days of bed rotting, I would not recommend,” adds Thijs. Especially, he adds, if it leads to: “isolation, to not getting the things done that you wanted to get done… if it’s avoidance behaviour. We also know from research that it’s actually quite important psychologically speaking to have a support group around you or to have regular interactions with other people.”

TikToker @medexplained2you, a physician assistant in the US, also agrees that using bed rotting as a means of self care could be detrimental if you are suffering with your mental health. “One of the main problems is that your anxiety and depression will actually probably worsen if you participate in bed rotting. It doesn’t solve anything, it just removes you from a situation and prolonged having to deal with it,” he says.

He adds that it could have worsening effects on your sleep, too. “Bed rotting is likely to interfere with your sleep because the body is actually naturally conditioned – when it’s in bed – to release certain hormones that tell you to power down. But if you stay in bed all day and then also try to go to bed, without ever having any breaks, your brain will get confused and it won’t know when you want to go to sleep or when you want to stay awake, and likely you will have an increase risk of insomnia.”

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He also warns that the lack of movement associated with bed rotting could also increase the risk of blood clots in the body – so it’s wise to get up and get some steps in when you can.

How can I stop bed rotting?

Bed rotting is not all bad though – and at times in our lives, it’s completely unavoidable. However, experts recommend striking a balance between rest and activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle – by incorporating some sort of movement, post-bed rotting designated hours.


Sheilla Mamona

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