Bathroom Attendant Offers Man Sticker For Using Potty All On His Own
MIAMI—Insisting that the patron had done such a good job that he deserved a reward, bathroom attendant Ron Carlton reportedly offered a 39-year-old customer a sticker at the Fitzmorris Steakhouse Friday for using the potty all on his own. “Ah, the gentleman has been a very big boy and earned himself a sticker of his choosing,” said the attendant, opening a leather briefcase to allow the adult patron to peruse several sheets of sparkly stickers featuring Barney, construction vehicles, and colorful stars. “I put on the potty music, but I should have known a fellow of your refinement wouldn’t need it. Quite impressive. And if I may say so, sir, I must commend you on getting most of it into the toilet. Now choose wisely, and remember that if you get four more of these, I’ll let you watch an episode of Paw Patrol.” At press time, the bathroom attendant was singing the alphabet song for the patron to ensure he took enough time washing his hands.