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Arizona Garden in February

Keep reading for garden inspiration, a February garden checklist, and a list of vegetables, herbs, and flowers to plant in your low desert Arizona garden in February.
Low desert includes elevations below 3500 ft in the Southwest, such as the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.

“The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.” — William C. Bryant
Vegetables growing in the low desert Arizona garden in February

After the last frost date in February is the ideal time to plant tomatoes and peppers in your low desert Arizona garden. Getting them planted as early as possible is important because the summer heat shortens their growing season.
Planting as early as possible after the danger of frost has passed gives the greatest chance for a successful season.

Harvests from fall planting continue throughout February, even as you are planting your spring garden and making plans for your summer garden.

- When the cauliflower head is about 6 inches across, and the buds are tight and unopened, it is time to harvest. Cut off below the head with a sharp knife.
- Unlike broccoli, cauliflower doesn’t produce side stems after the main head is harvested, so remove the remaining plant from the bed. Cauliflower will store for several weeks in the refrigerator.

- Harvest cabbage when heads are about the size of a softball and firm. Give cabbages plenty of room to spread out. Keep plants evenly moist. Feed cabbages with compost tea or compost throughout the season.
- Warmer temperatures mean many brassicas will bolt and flower. Allow them to flower to attract pollinators, or remove to make room for spring planting.

- February in the Arizona garden is all about tomatoes. If we had a mild winter, tomatoes planted back in July are ripening and doing well this month.
- If there was a hard freeze and the tomatoes suffered damage, wait until after the last frost date to see if new growth appears. Cut the plant back just above the new growth, and it may continue growing. If the plant is severely damaged, consider removing it.
- February is also the best time to plant tomatoes in your Arizona garden. If temperatures are unseasonably cold, wait a bit or cover new plants.
- Plant seedlings deeply and choose early-season varieties.
- Look for varieties that mature in 60-90 days from the date of transplant. For more tips, read my blog post, “10 Tips for Growing Tomatoes. ”

- For the best flavor, water celery well the day before picking. Use a knife to harvest a single stalk from the outside of the plant when it reaches the desired height. Harvest stalks continuously as needed.

Tips for growing flowers in the low desert Arizona garden in February

- Aphids and other pests may appear this month. They like the cooler temperatures and new growth that happens in February.
- Genista caterpillars often appear on Texas Mountain Laurel (pictured here) this month. The caterpillars form loose webbing on the foliage and feed on leaves. Normally there is no significant damage done to the plant. Still, if control is needed, Bt (or Bacillus thuringiensis), available on Amazon, can be used when caterpillars are small and feed on leaves.

- Fertilize annual flowers this month—water well before and after fertilizing plants.
- Decide where you are going to plant warm-season annuals. Begin planting seeds outdoors this month.

- Cool-season annual flowers planted from September through December, such as stock (pictured here) will bloom through March. As temperatures climb into the 80’s, water annuals more often.
- Keep a garden journal of what flowers (in your yard or around the neighborhood) did well this season.

Flowers to Plant Outside & Seeds to Start Indoors Each Month in the Low Desert of Arizona.
• PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists annual flowers and bulbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
• BLOOMING GUIDE: Photos show what may be in bloom that month.
Fruit trees in the low desert Arizona garden in February

If deciduous fruit trees have been slow to lose leaves, remove leaves from tree to help usher in dormancy. Spray with a horticultural oil (I use this one from Amazon) this month.

- Prune deciduous fruit trees this month before bud break and blossoms appear, if possible. Once blooming finishes, fertilize and water well.

- Many different varieties of citrus are ripening this month. Best way to test for sweetness? Pick one and try it! Water established citrus once every 2-3 weeks in February.

Herbs in the low desert Arizona garden in February

Cilantro is a cool-weather-loving herb. It grows quickly and should be harvested often to keep it from going to seed. Once it does seed and flower, the seed is called coriander. Learn more about how to grow cilantro here.
Harvest and preserve cool-season herbs (I use my freeze-dryer). I also love adding chopped herbs and olive oil to herb freezer trays.

Dill grows as an annual in our cool winters but will begin to bolt and flower as the weather warms. Harvest as needed. Dill is also a great trap crop for tomato hornworms and a host plant for caterpillars. Let it flower to attract pollinators.
Learn more about how to grow dill in this blog post.

- Rosemary is blooming this month. Harvest as needed. Let it flower to attract pollinators. This article shares more information about how to grow rosemary.
Low Desert Arizona Garden February To-Do List

- Amend garden beds with compost.
- Check your watering system. Note how long it takes to water your beds to a depth of 12 inches. Look for leaks, replace batteries in timers and clogged emitters.
- Begin spring planting. As long the forecast shows warming weather, plant tomatoes and peppers around the 15th of the month. (See list of other vegetables to plant below)
- Look at your garden and make a plan for your summer garden. Research different varieties to see which do well in Arizona. A good rule of thumb is to look for short-season crops. Be sure to rotate where you plant each year.
- If you didn’t do it in January, start slips for planting sweet potatoes.
- February is a good time to propagate succulents.
- Plant spring flowering annuals this month. (See list below)
- Plant trees, bushes, and perennials, and protect new plants from freezing temperatures.
- Bare-root roses are in-stock at local nurseries – it’s a great time to plant roses.
- Plant bare-root fruit trees and berries this month. Look for trees that have low chill hours (less than 400), mature early, and self-pollinate. Learn how to plant fruit trees in this blog post. For more information about choosing fruit trees, see my Fruit Planting Guide.
- Wait until mid-to-late February to plant frost-sensitive plants such as lantana and hibiscus.
- Plant grapes and blackberries this month or next.

- Trees and shrubs may not need supplemental watering if we get heavy rain. If not, water shrubs and trees no more than once every 14-28 days. Wateruseitwisely.com is a helpful resource for landscape watering guidelines.
- As temperatures climb into the 80’s, water annuals more often.
- Check containers with a moisture meter or ensure the top inch or so of soil has dried out before watering.
- Water established citrus trees once every 2-3 weeks.
- Water established fruit trees once every 10-14 days.

- Prune frost-tender plants such as hibiscus and lantana late in the month. When pruning frost-damaged plants, wait and prune after new growth begins.
- If you didn’t prune roses in January, prune established roses this month. Clean up all fallen leaves and debris from around roses to discourage disease and insects.
- Prune dead branches out of trees and shrubs at the end of the month.
- Pruning citrus isn’t necessary, but after the danger of frost is past is the time to shape citrus trees a little (if you want to). Try to let the citrus foliage grow to about knee-high. Fruit production is best on the lower two-thirds of the tree, so it’s best not to “skirt” citrus trees. Lower branches also protect the trunk from sun damage. Clean out dead wood. Remove any suckers growing from below the graft.
- Prune grape vines.
- If you didn’t prune deciduous fruit trees in January, prune them this month. Prune dead, diseased, broken, and crossing branches and water sprouts (branches shooting straight up from limbs of trees).


Learn more about how to fertilize fruit trees in this blog post.
Protect from freezing temperatures (below 32°F.):

- Have burlap or frost cloth on hand to protect newly planted citrus, small lemon and lime trees, and other frost-sensitive plants from frost. Our last frost date is normally February 14th, but keep an eye on the weather just in case.
- Be aware that container plantings are more susceptible to freezing temperatures than those in the ground.
- Read this article or watch this video for more information on protecting plants during freezing temperatures.
Yard clean-up:

- Lettuce and other cool-season crops will bolt and flower as the weather heats up. Remove them by cutting off at the roots and add them to compost or allow them to flower to attract pollinators.
- As winter vegetables end their life cycle, keep an eye out for garden pests like aphids.
- If you overwintered tomatoes and peppers, as new growth begins to appear, trim the plant back and fertilize to encourage growth. If plants do not appear to return as temperatures warm, replace them with new plants in a different garden area.
What to plant in the low desert Arizona garden in February:

Before planting:
- Prepare beds for spring planting – Add compost and other organic matter to the soil.
- It’s important to have your soil tested at least once a year. A soil test can determine the health of your soil.
- Add a balanced organic fertilizer if needed.
Vegetables, Herbs & Fruit to plant in the low desert in February

(Click the link to read “How to Grow” articles on my website.)
- Lavender (T)
- Lemon Balm (T)
- Lemon Grass (T)
- Lemon Verbena (T)
- Lentil (S)
- Marjoram (T)
- Mint (T)
- Mustard (T)
- Onion (Green) (S)
- Oregano (T)
After February 15th (or after the last spring frost)

SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed T= Transplant
Vegetable, Herb, and Fruit Planting Guide for the Low Desert of Arizona

The ultimate resource for gardeners in arid regions with hot summers and mild winters—designed specifically for the low desert of Arizona.
It features information on how and when to start seeds indoors and when to transplant them outside for nearly 100 different fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
Vegetable, herb, and fruit seeds to start indoors during February

(Click the link for seed sources.)

- PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists vegetables, fruit & herbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
- HARVEST GUIDE: Photos show what may be ready to harvest that month.
- Planting dates are for the low desert of Arizona (zone 9b).
Flowers to plant in the low desert in February

(Click the link to read “How to Grow” articles on my website.)
SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed T= Transplant
Flower seeds to start indoors in the low desert in February

(Click the link for seed sources.)

Flowers to Plant Outside & Seeds to Start Indoors Each Month in the Low Desert of Arizona.
• PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists annual flowers and bulbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
• BLOOMING GUIDE: Photos show what may be in bloom that month.
Visual planting guides for vegetables, herbs, fruits, flowers & vines.

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Angela Judd
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