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I Buy 99% of My Clothes on Sale, But I’d Be Willing to Pay Full Price for These


It takes a lot to get me to buy something full price. For starters, there is always a sale around the corner, a fact I know all too well as a fashion editor who rights about them multiple times a week. That, and because of my job, I see firsthand how quickly trends come and go in this industry, making it difficult to drop a ton of money on something that could easily be considered “out” in a few months (or even weeks) time. So, when I do decide to skip the sale rack and buy something new—without any red-marked tags or discount codes at checkout—it’s a big deal. And the items I go with are usually pretty good. Scratch that—really good. 

But why take me for my word when you can see for yourself the exact full-price items that I’m seriously considering buying right now. The shopping carts are full and payment options are filled in. All it takes is one press of the purchase button and they’ll be mine. But first, while I marinate in the final decision, I’m going to round each link up and share it with all of you. So, before something on my to-buy list sells out because I procrastinated for too long, scroll down to see it in its entirety, from the Elsa Peretti for Tiffany & Co. cuff bracelet that I can’t get out of my head to the Abercrombie tank top that I’m considering adding to my extremely edited down and tested list of the all-time best tanks on the market, the 36 pieces below have a bit of everything. What they have in common is this: Buy-worthiness. 


Eliza Huber

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