Self Help
How To Actually Manifest Money, From Someone Who’s Done It
Manifestation is the act of becoming aware of something that is already there. It’s personal growth and development combined with spirituality, and it can help you achieve your financial dreams. By connecting spirit, mind, and body as one, you can manifest the experience you desire today, including monetarily.
When people ask me how to manifest, I always say it’s not about the how, it’s more about the who—who you are. It has more to do with how you see yourself, how you see others, and how you perceive and interact with your world. If you want a different life, then you need to think, feel and behave differently.
Manifestation is always at work—we’re always bringing something into the physical form through our thoughts. But most people are actually just manifesting their biggest fears (i.e. their worries about their business not growing and their need for more money), which creates more need for more money.
And when it comes to specific ways to manifest money, unfortunately, there isn’t a magic wand or specific phrase that will bring an abundance of money to you. However, it is pretty simple: Manifesting money happens within you.
While manifestation has become a trendy topic thanks to social media, I believe some areas of manifestation are often misleading and misunderstood. For example, a specific color or mantra doesn’t exactly attract money, rather it comes down to our feelings around manifesting money and taking the proper steps to bring manifestation into your life.
Kathleen Cameron
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