Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) read a quote from Judiciary Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to the Ohio congressman’s face where he admitted the point of the select committee is to get Trump back into the White House.


Rep. Raskin said, “Relaxing with a friendly interviewer, Chairman Jordan gave the game away entirely, ‘all of those things need to be investigated, just so you have the truth,’ he said. ‘Plus, that will hope frame up the 2024 race, when hope, and I think President Trump is going to run, and we need to make sure that he wins.’”

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Raskin continued, “We need to make sure that he wins. This call to arms for the 2024 election was met with wild applause from the CPAC audience. I urge every member of the subcommittee to go and watch the interview.”

Rep. Raskin then played the clip, so that everyone could see it, and the sham select committee was exposed for what it really is. An effort to return Donald Trump to the White House in 2024.

Earlier in the day, House Democratic Leader Jeffries talked about the experience of the Democratic members of the select committee. That experience came up big as Jamie Raskin discredited, this entire silly and partisan abuse of power by Jordan and House Republicans.

Jason Easley

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