Revised AP African American Studies To Focus Mostly On Herman Cain’s Rise To Pizza CEO
NEW YORK—In a move designed to make the curriculum more palatable to conservatives, the College Board announced Thursday that its revised AP African American Studies course would focus mostly on Herman Cain’s rise to CEO of a pizza restaurant chain. “As of today, the newest iteration of the AP African American Studies curriculum will focus almost entirely on the life, accomplishments, and origins of businessman, pizza mogul, and Tea Party activist Herman Cain,” said College Board president Jeremy Singer, adding that while his organization had removed controversial aspects of the course that covered intersectionality, the Black Lives Matter movement, and slavery reparations, it had also added new ones about Cain’s humble beginnings as a boy in Georgia, his first big break at the Pillsbury Company, and his eventual appointment as CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. “Although the syllabus no longer includes the writings of Kimberlé Crenshaw, bell hooks, or Ta-Nehisi Coates, we have gone to great lengths to include Cain’s various writings about Burger King and his 9-9-9 tax plan, as well as an in-depth analysis of all his favorite pizza toppings. Herman Cain did so much for the Black community, and we are excited to offer American high school students a university-level course on the first Black man to become CEO of a major pizza company.” At press time, the College Board drew criticism for controversial sections of the AP African American Studies curriculum that repeatedly denied that Herman Cain had ever sexually harassed women or died of Covid.