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All the Ways ‘Dragon Age: Absolution’ Hints at New Lore in ‘Dreadwolf | The Mary Sue


So, at this point, most of us who’ve seen it can agree that Dragon Age: Absolution slaps supremely, and it’s a must-watch for anyone who’s a fan of the series. Absolution went above and beyond in bringing us back to Thedas and getting us excited for what’s to come.

But the really neat thing is that it also dabbled in some new territory that perked my ears up like a curious dog. Call it desperation, since I’m just trying to absorb as much info as I can in anticipation of Dreadwolf. Or call it super duper good sleuthing, if you wanna flatter me. Either way, these are some of the little hints Absolution dropped that allude to potential new lore in Dreadwolf.


Madeline Carpou

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