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Biden Sees Baby In A Chicken Costume For Halloween, So Of Course He Pretends To Bite Him


Credit: Screenshot via Sky News Australia

It’s unclear what compels him to do so, but President Biden continued a longstanding tradition of pretending to bite a baby during a Halloween event at the White House on Wednesday.

Whereas some people might find it endearing, Biden’s little Chompfest usually sends social media into an uproar for it’s creepy factor.

Not to mention, with his mental faculties diminished to the point where Democrats were forced to undemocratically remove him from his reelection bid, one has to wonder if he was even aware the baby wasn’t an actual chicken.

Anyway, a mother at the event brought her baby up to the President. He was adorable in his little chicken costume.

Bden proceeded to provide the world with an image that will go down in infamy.

I’ll Take The Treat: Biden Bites A Baby

Now, let’s circle back to my original comment here that maybe he was just confused. Perhaps he thought the mother was carrying a big ol’ Purdue chicken.

But alas, that theory kind of goes out the window when you realize ol’ Joe Biden was pictured pretending to take a bite out of not just one baby … but four babies!

And only one of them was dressed as a chicken.

You’ve gotta love the state of presidential politics these days. Biden spent the day biting babies yesterday while Donald Trump was giving a speech wearing an orange vest after having driven in a garbage truck.

One man is a genius, though; the other man is making people question their own sanity by wondering what exactly they’re looking at.

I’m starting to think that Biden’s dogs had to be removed from the White House due to learned behavior from their owner.

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Why Does He Do These Things?

As noted, President Biden has a history of doing this with the biting and the babies. It’s like nobody on his team took the time to pull him aside and explain that politicians for years have kissed babies for photo ops, not nibbled on them.

Here he is absolutely terrifying a small girl during a trip to Finland just last year.

On a much more serious note, Biden’s inappropriate behavior isn’t limited to the young folk. Several women have come forward to accuse the President of inappropriately touching them and making them feel uncomfortable over the years.

Former Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores wrote a column alleging Biden inappropriately kissed her and smelled her hair.

He even has a history of making female Secret Service agents uncomfortable by skinny dipping or walking around the house without clothes.

Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer, accused President Biden of sexual assault.

But this baby biting thing. Man, is it any wonder Kamala Harris doesn’t want him anywhere near the campaign trail right now?

Harris Campaign To Joe Biden With The Election On The Line: Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You


Rusty Weiss

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