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Hirschpfeffer with Spätzle, Marroni and Rotkraut


My dinner today, it was delicious.

Hirschpfeffer with Spätzle, Marroni and Rotkraut. My dinner today, it was delicious. Hirschpfeffer is essentially deer meat that's been soaked in a marinade of

Hirschpfeffer is essentially deer meat that’s been soaked in a marinade of red wine, vinegar, vegetables and spices to make it tender and less gamey. That same marinade is then used for the sauce, which is thickened with butter, flour and a bit of cocoa.

Hirschpfeffer with Spätzle, Marroni and Rotkraut. My dinner today, it was delicious. Hirschpfeffer is essentially deer meat that's been soaked in a marinade of

Red cabbage, cooked in vine, broth and vinegar.

Hirschpfeffer with Spätzle, Marroni and Rotkraut. My dinner today, it was delicious. Hirschpfeffer is essentially deer meat that's been soaked in a marinade of

Chestnuts with caramel sauce.

Hirschpfeffer with Spätzle, Marroni and Rotkraut. My dinner today, it was delicious. Hirschpfeffer is essentially deer meat that's been soaked in a marinade of

Spätzle, best described as German pasta.

Hirschpfeffer with Spätzle, Marroni and Rotkraut. My dinner today, it was delicious. Hirschpfeffer is essentially deer meat that's been soaked in a marinade of

All together, a delicious dinner for fall season.


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