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Marijuana Gummies Can Make Weddings Easier


The term Bridezilla started in the mid 90s and, by now, many people have seen the unfortunate cross between a bride and Godzilla in person. TicTok, Redditt and other social media are full of horror stories. And the newer phrase in the Mozilla who wants to recreate the event in her image. And this isn’t to mention other drama which can wrap around the event. According to a bride’s study, 71% believe planning a wedding is more stressful than finding a new job.  Maybe marijuana gummies can make weddings easier?

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Most brides and some grooms have a a concept of their ideal day, and the want the whole event to be perfect. Unfortunately, rarely is anything perfect and you have to roll with mishaps and be in the moment. It also involves, for most people who don’t handle complex events or tasks, a large amount of decisions, energy, and money. It can be overwhelming and not everyone can rise above with a gracious outlook. Low dosages of marijuana can help reduce the “heat” of the process.

A key reason marijuana gummies can help is it can reduce the anxiety. With gummies you can have a low dosage and slow roll so you can be productive, focused and calm while dealing with details, decisions, the wedding party and potential in-laws. THC bring a soothing calm by reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The nervous system induces a “fight-or-flight” response during stressful situations.  Somewhere around 2.5-5 mg during the process can make months or weeks of planning bearable, even if others are not.

Additionally, it is far better for your body (and maintaining a wedding photo body, than alcohol).  If unfamiliar with cannabis, it is much less addictive than alcohol, And alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal.

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There are thousands of stories about weddings which went wrong due to over stressed wedding party members.  A little gummy can keep make the planning stage easier and the day of the event much more calm and way more fun.



Sarah Johns

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